README for Oscilloscope Author/Contact: Description: Oscilloscope is a simple data-collection demo. It periodically samples the default sensor and broadcasts a message every 10 readings. These readings can be displayed by the Java "Oscilloscope" application found in the java subdirectory. The sampling rate starts at 4Hz, but can be changed from the Java application. You can compile Oscilloscope with a sensor board's default sensor by compiling as follows: SENSORBOARD= make You can change the sensor used by editing Tools: The Java application displays readings it receives from motes running the Oscilloscope demo via a serial forwarder. To run it, change to the java subdirectory and type: make java net.tinyos.sf.SerialForwarder -comm serial@: # e.g., java net.tinyps.sf.SerialForwarder -comm serial@/dev/ttyUSB0:mica2 # or java net.tinyps.sf.SerialForwarder -comm serial@COM2:telosb ./run The controls at the bootom of the screen allow yoy to zoom in or out the X axis, change the range of the Y axis, and clear all received data. You can change the color used to display a mote by clicking on its color in the mote table. Known bugs/limitations: None. $Id$