README for TOSThreads SenseAndSend Author/Contact: Author: Kevin Klues Description: SenseAndSend is a threaded implementation of an application that takes various sensor readings in parallel (by dedicating one thread to each reading), and assembling them into a packet to be sent out over the radio. It is written specifically for use with the tmote onboard sensor package, and will not compile for any other platforms. To run this application install it on a mote via the command: make cthreads install Valid platforms are currently: tmote, telosb with onboard sensors Readings are taken from each of the 4 oboard sensors and sent out over the radio interface in an infinite loop. Upon successful transmission, LED0 is toggled, and the process starts over again. A successful test will result in LED0 toggling periodically at a rate of approxiately 220ms (the time it takes to take a humidty + temperature sensor reading since they share the same hardware and cannot be taken in parallel). Additionally, a base station application should be run to verify the reception of packets sent from a SenseAndSend mote, with reasonable looking sensor data. Tools: None. Known bugs/limitations: None.