Permanent Data Storage (Flash)

Group:Core Working Group
Status: Draft
Author: David Gay, Jonathan Hui
Draft-Discuss:TinyOS Developer List <tinyos-devel at>


This memo documents a part of TinyOS for the TinyOS Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. This memo is in full compliance with TEP 1.


This memo documents a set of hardware-independent interfaces to non-volatile storage for TinyOS 2.x. It describes some design principles for the HPL and HAL layers of various flash chips.

1. Introduction

Flash chips are a form of EEPROM (electrically-eraseable, programmable read-only memory), distinguished by a fast erase capability. However, erases can only be done in large units (from 256B to 128kB depending on the flash chip). Erases are the only way to switch bits from 0 to 1, and programming operations can only switch 1's to 0's. Additionally, some chips require that programming only happen once between each erase, or that it be in relatively large units (e.g., 256B).

In the table below, we summarise these differences by categorising flash chips by their underlying technology (NOR vs NAND). We also include a column for Atmel's AT45DB flash chip family, as it has significantly different tradeoffs than other flash chips:

                 NOR                AT45DB         NAND

Erase        :  Slow (seconds)      Fast (ms)      Fast (ms)
Erase unit   :  Large (64KB-128KB)  Small (256B)   Medium (8K-32KB)
Writes       :  Slow (100s kB/s)    Slow (60kB/s)  Fast (MBs/s)
Write unit   :  1 bit               256B           100's of bytes
Bit-errors   :  Low                 Low            High (requires ECC,
                                                   bad-block mapping)
Read         :  Fast*               Slow+I/O bus   Fast (but limited by
                                                   I/O bus)
Erase cycles :  10^4 - 10^5         10^4 **        10^5 - 10^7
Intended use :  Code storage        Data storage   Data storage
Energy/byte  :  1uJ                 1uJ            .01uJ

*  Intel Mote2 NOR flash is memory mapped (reads are very fast and can
   directly execute code)
** Or infinite? Data sheet just says that every page within a sector
   must be written every 10^4 writes within that sector

The energy/byte is the per-byte cost of erasing plus programming. It is derived from the timing and power consumption of erase and write operations (for NOR flash, values are for the STMicroelectronics M25P family, for NAND flash, values are from a Samsung datasheet). Energy/byte for reads appears to depend mostly on how long the read takes (the power consumptions are comparable), i.e., on the efficiency of the bus + processor.

Early TinyOS platforms all used a flash chip from the AT45DB family. In TinyOS 1.x, this chip could be accessed through three different components:

Some more recent platforms use different flash chips: the ST M25P family (Telos rev. B, eyes) and the Intel Strataflash (Intel Mote2). None of the three components listed above are supported on these chips:

One approach to hiding the differences between different flash chips is to provide a disk-like, block interface (with, e.g., 512B blocks). This is the approach taken by compact flash cards. However, in the context of TinyOS, this approach has several drawbacks:

Another approach to supporting multiple flash chips is to build a file system (like Matchbox) which can be implemented for multiple flash chips. However, TinyOS is currently targeted at running a single application, and many applications know their storage needs in advance: for instance, a little space for configuration data, and everything else for a log of all sampled data. In such cases, the flexibility offered by a filing system (e.g., arbitrary numbers of files) is overkill, and may come at the expense of implementation and runtime complexity.

Instead, TinyOS 2.x, divides flash chips into separate volumes (with sizes fixed at compile-time). Each volume provides a single storage abstraction (the abstraction defines the format). So far there are three such abstractions: large objects written in a single session, small objects with arbitrary reads and writes, and logs. This approach has two advantages:

New abstractions (including a filing system) can easily be added to this framework, or can be built on top of these abstractions.

The rest of this TEP covers some principles for the organisation of flash chips (Section 2), then describes the flash volumes and storage abstractions in detail (Section 3).

2. HPL/HAL/HIL Architecture

The flash chip architecture dollows the three-layer Hardware Abstraction Architecture (HAA), with each chip providing a presentation layer (HPL, Section 2.1), adaptation layer (HAL, Section 2.2) and platform-independent interface layer (the storage abstractions described in Section 3) [2]. The implementation of these layers SHOULD be found in the tos/chips/CHIPNAME directory. If a flash chip is part of a larger family with a similar interface, the HAA SHOULD support all family members by relying, e.g., on platform-provided configuration information.

Appendix A shows example HPL and HAL specifications for the AT45DB and ST M25P chip families.

2.1 Hardware Presentation Layer (HPL)

The flash HPL has a chip-dependent, system-independent interface. The implementation of this HPL is system-dependent. The flash HPL SHOULD be stateless.

To remain platform independent, a flash chip's HPL SHOULD connect to platform-specific components providing access to the flash chip; these components SHOULD be placed in the tos/platforms/PLATFORM/chips/CHIPNAME directory. If the flash chip implementation supports a family of flash chips, this directory MAY also contain a file describing the particular flash chip found on the platform.

2.2 Hardware Adaptation Layer (HAL)

The flash HAL has a chip-dependent, system-independent interface and implementation. Flash families with a common HPL SHOULD have a common HAL. Flash HAL's SHOULD expose a Resource interface and automatically power-manage the underlying flash chip. Finally, the flash HAL MUST provide a way to access the volume information specified by the programmer (see Section 3). This allows users to build new flash abstractions that interact cleanly with the rest of the flash system.

3. Non-Volatile Storage Abstracitons in TinyOS 2.x

The HIL implementations are system-independent, but chip (family) dependent. They implement the three storage abstractions and volume structure discussed in the introduction.

3.1. Volumes

The division of the flash chip into fixed-size volumes is specified by an XML file that is placed in the application's directory (where one types 'make'). The XML file specifies the allocation as follows:

  <volume name="DELUGE0" size="65536" />
  <volume name="CONFIGLOG" size="65536" />
  <volume name="DATALOG" size="131072" />
  <volume name="GOLDENIMAGE" size="65536" base="983040" />

The name and size parameters are required, while base is optional. The name is a string containing one or more characters in [a-zA-Z0-9_], while size and base are in bytes. Each storage chip MUST provide a compile-time tool that translates the allocation specification to chip-specific nesC code. There is no constraint on how this is done or what code is produced, except that the specification to physical allocation MUST be one-to-one (i.e. a given specification should always have the same resulting physical allocation on a given chip) and the result MUST be placed in the build directory. When not specified, the tool may give any suitable physical location to a volume. If there is any reason that the physical allocation cannot be satisfied, an error should be given at compile time. The tool SHOULD be named tos-storage-CHIPNAME and be distributed with the other tools supporting a platform.

The compile-time tool MUST prepend 'VOLUME_' to each volume name in the XML file and '#define' each resulting name to map to a unique integer.

The storage abstractions are accessed by instantiating generic components that take the volume macro as argument:

components new BlockStorageC(VOLUME_DELUGE0);

If the named volume is not in the specification, nesC will give a compile-time error since the symbol will be undefined.

A volume MUST NOT be used with more than one storage abstraction instance.

3.2 Large objects

The motivating example for large objects is the transmission or long-term storage of large pieces of data. For instance, programs in a network-reprogramming system, or large data-packets in a reliable data-transmission system. Such objects have two interesting characteristics: each byte in the object is written at most once, and a full object is written in a single "session" (i.e., without the mote rebooting).

This leads to the definition of the BlockStorageC abstraction for storing large objects:

  • A large object ranges from a few kilobytes upwards.
  • A large object must be erased before use.
  • A large object must be committed to ensure it survives a reboot or crash; after a commit no more writes may be performed.
  • Random reads are allowed.
  • Random writes are allowed are allowed between erase and commit; data cannot be overwritten.

Large objects are accessed by instantiating a BlockStorageC component which takes a volume id argument:

generic configuration BlockStorageC(volume_id_t volid) {
  provides {
      interface BlockWrite;
      interface BlockRead;
} ...

The BlockRead and BlockWrite interfaces contain the following operations (all split-phase, except BlockRead.getSize):

  • BlockWrite.erase: erase the volume. After a reboot or a commit, a volume must be erased before it can be written to.
  • BlockWrite.write: write some bytes starting at a given offset. Each byte can only be written once between an erase and the subsequent commit.
  • BlockWrite.commit: commit all writes to a given volume. No writes can be performed after a commit until a subsequent erase.
  • BlockRead.verify: verify that the volume contains the results of a successful commit.
  • read some bytes starting at a given offset.
  • BlockRead.computeCrc: compute the CRC of some bytes starting at a given offset.
  • BlockRead.getSize: return bytes available for large object storage in volume.

For full details on arguments and other considerations, see the comments in the interface definitions.

3.3 Logging

Event and reuslt logging is a common requirement in sensor networks. Such logging should be reliable (a mote crash should not lose data). It should also be easy to extract data from the log, either partially or fully. Some logs are linear (stop logging when the volume is full), others are circular (the oldest data is overwritten when the volume is full).

The LogStorageC abstraction supports these requirements. The log is record based: each call to LogWrite.append (see below) creates a new record. On failure (crash or reboot), the log is guaranteed to only lose whole records from the end of the log. Additionally, once a circular log wraps around, calls to LogWrite.append only lose whole records from the beginning of the log. These guarantees mean that applications do not to have worry about incomplete or inconsistent log entries.

Logs are accessed by instantiating a LogStorageC component which takes a volume id and a boolean argument:

generic configuration LogStorageC(volume_id_t volid, bool circular) {
  provides {
      interface LogWrite;
      interface LogRead;
} ...

If the circular argument is TRUE, the log is circular; otherwise it is linear.

The LogRead and LogWrite interfaces contain the following operations (all split-phase except LogWrite.currentOffset, LogRead.currentOffset and LogRead.getSize):

  • LogWrite.erase: erase the log.

  • LogWrite.append: append some bytes to the log. In a circular log, this may overwrite the current read position. In this case, the read position is implicitly advanced to the log's current beginning (i.e., as if had been called with SEEK_BEGINNING).

    Each append creates a separate record. Log implementations may have a maximum record size; all implementations MUST support records of up to 255 bytes.

  • LogWrite.sync: guarantee that data written so far will not be lost to a crash or reboot (it can still be overwritten when a circular log wraps around). Using sync may waste some space in the log.

  • LogWrite.currentOffset: return cookie representing current append position (for use with

  • read some bytes from the current read position in the log and advance the read position.

  • LogRead.currentOffset: return cookie representing current read position (for use with

  • set the read position to a value returned by a prior call to LogWrite.currentOffset or LogRead.currentOffset, or to the special SEEK_BEGINNING value. In a circular log, if the specified position has been overwritten, behave as if SEEK_BEGINNING was requested.

    SEEK_BEGINNING positions the read position at the beginning of the oldest record still present in the log.

  • LogRead.getSize: return an approximation of the log's capacity. Uses of sync and other overhead may reduce this number.

For full details on arguments, etc, see the comments in the interface definitions.

3.4 Small objects:

Sensor network applications may need to store configuration data, e.g., mote id, radio frequency, sample rates, etc. Such data is not large, but losing it may lead to a mote misbehaving or losing contact with the network.

The ConfigStorageC abstraction stores a single small object in a volume. It:

  • Assumes that configuration data is relatively small (a few hundred bytes).
  • Allows random reads and writes.
  • Has simple transactional behaviour: each read is a separate transaction, all writes up to a commit form a single transaction.
  • At reboot, the volume contains the data as of the most recent successful commit.

Small objects are accessed by instantiating a ConfigStorageC component which takes a volume id argument:

generic configuration ConfigStorageC(volume_id_t volid) {
  provides {
      interface Mount;
      interface ConfigStorage;
} ...

A small object MUST be mounted (via the Mount interface) before the first use.

The Mount and ConfigStorage interfaces contain the following operations (all split-phase except ConfigStorage.getSize and ConfigStorage.valid):

  • Mount.mount: mount the volume.
  • ConfigStorage.valid: return TRUE if the volume contains a valid small object.
  • read some bytes starting at a given offset. Fails if the small object is not valid. Note that this reads the data as of the last successful commit.
  • ConfigStorage.write: write some bytes to a given offset.
  • ConfigStorage.commit: make the small object contents reflect all the writes since the last commit.
  • ConfigStorage.getSize: return the number of bytes that can be stored in the small object.

For full details on arguments, etc, see the comments in the interface definitions.

4. Implementations

An AT45DB implementation can be found in tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/at45db.

An ST M25P implementation can be found in tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/stm25p.

5. Authors' Addresses

David Gay
2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 1300
Intel Research
Berkeley, CA 94704

phone - +1 510 495 3055

Jonathan Hui
657 Mission St. Ste. 600
Arched Rock Corporation
San Francisco, CA 94105-4120

phone - +1 415 692 0828

6. Citations

[1]David Gay. "Design of Matchbox, the simple filing system for motes. (version 1.0)."
[2]TEP 2: Hardware Abstraction Architecture.

Appendix A. HAA for some existing flash chips

A.1 AT45DB

The Atmel AT45DB family HPL is:

configuration HplAt45dbC {
  provides interface HplAt45db;
} ...

The HplAt45db interface has flash->buffer, buffer->flash, compare buffer to flash, erase page, read, compute CRC, and write operations. Most of these operations are asynchronous, i.e., their completion is signaled before the flash chip has completed the operation. The HPL also includes operations to wait for asynchronous operations to complete.

A generic, system-independent implementation of the HPL (HplAt45dbByteC) is included allowing platforms to just provide SPI and chip selection interfaces.

Different members of the AT45DB family are supported by specifying a few constants (number of pages, page size).

The AT45DB HAL has two components, one for chip access and the other providing volume information:

component At45dbC
  provides {
    interface At45db;
    interface Resource[uint8_t client];
    interface ResourceController;
    interface ArbiterInfo;
} ...

configuration At45dbStorageManagerC {
  provides interface At45dbVolume[volume_id_t volid];
} ...

Note that the AT45DB HAL resource management is independent of the underlying HPL's power management. The motivation for this is that individual flash operations may take a long time, so it may be desirable to release the flash's bus during long-running operations.

The At45db interface abstracts from the low-level HPL operations by:

  • using the flash's 2 RAM buffers as a cache to allow faster reads and writes
  • hiding the asynchronous nature of the HPL operations
  • verifying that all writes were successful

It provides cached read, write and CRC computation, and page erase and copy. It also includes flush and sync operations to manage the cache.

The At45dbVolume interface has operations to report volume size and map volume-relative pages to absolute pages.

A.2 ST M25P

The ST M25P family HPL is:

configuration Stm25pSpiC {
  provides interface Init;
  provides interface Resource;
  provides interface Stm25pSpi;

The Stm25pSpi interface has read, write, compute CRC, sector erase and block erase operations. The implementation of this HPL is system-independent, built over a few system-dependent components providing SPI and chip selection interfaces.

Note that these two examples have different resource management policies: the AT45DB encapsulates resource acquisition and release within each operation, while the M25P family requires that HPL users acquire and release the resource itself.

The ST M25P HAL is:

configuration Stm25pSectorC {
  provides interface Resource as ClientResource[storage_volume_t volume];
  provides interface Stm25pSector as Sector[storage_volume_t volume];
  provides interface Stm25pVolume as Volume[storage_volume_t volume];

The Stm25pSector interface provides volume-relative operations similar to those from the HPL interface: read, write, compute CRC and erase. Additionally, it has operations to report volume size and remap volume-relative addresses. Clients of the ST M25P HAL must implement the getVolumeId event of the Stm25pVolume interface so that the HAL can obtain the volume id of each of its clients.