Lesson 13: TinyOS Toolchain
Last updated October 29 2006

This lesson describes the details of the TinyOS toolchain, including the build system, how to create your own Makefile, and how to find out more information on the various tools included with TinyOS.

TinyOS Build System

As you saw in Lesson 1, TinyOS applications are built using a somewhat unconventional application of the make tool. For instance, in the apps/Blink directory,
$ make mica2
compiles Blink for the mica2 platform,
$ make mica2 install
compiles and installs (using the default parallel port programmer) Blink for the mica2, and
$ make mica2 reinstall mib510,/dev/ttyS0
installs the previously compiled mica2 version of Blink using the MIB510 serial port programmer connected to serial port /dev/ttyS0.

As these examples show, the TinyOS build system is controlled by passing arguments to make that specify the target platform, the desired action, and various options. These arguments can be categorised as follows:

Customising the Build System

You may find that you are often specifying the same options, e.g., that your mib510 programmer is always connected to /dev/ttyS1 or that you want to use channel 12 of the CC2420 radio rather than the default TinyOS 2 channel (26). To do this, put the following lines
MIB510 ?= /dev/ttyS1
in a file called Makelocal in the support/make directory. If you now compile in apps/RadioCountToLeds, you will see:
$ make micaz install mib510
    compiling RadioCountToLedsAppC to a micaz binary
ncc -o build/micaz/main.exe -Os -DCC2420_DEF_CHANNEL=12 ... RadioCountToLedsAppC.nc -lm
    compiled RadioCountToLedsAppC to build/micaz/main.exe
    installing micaz binary using mib510
uisp -dprog=mib510 -dserial=/dev/ttyS1 ...
The definition of PFLAGS passes an option to the nesC compiler telling it to define the C preprocessor symbol CC2420_DEF_CHANNEL to 12. The CC2420 radio stack checks the value of this symbol when setting its default channel.

The definition of MIB510 sets the value of the argument to the mib510 installation option, i.e.,

$ make micaz install mib510 
is now equivalent to
$ make micaz install mib510,/dev/ttyS1 
Note that the assignment to MIB510 was written using the ?= operator. If you just use regular assignment (=), then the value in Makelocal will override any value you specify on the command line (which is probably not what you want...).

Makelocal can contain definitions for any make variables used by the build system. Unless you understand the details of how this works, we recommend you restrict yourselves to defining:

Some useful preprocessor symbols that you can define with PFLAGS include:

Application Makefiles

To use the build system with your application, you must create a makefile (a file called Makefile) which contains at the minimum:
include $(MAKERULES)
where TopLevelComponent is the name of the top-level component of your application.

TinyOS applications commonly also need to specify some options to the nesC compiler, and build some extra files alongside the TinyOS application. We will see examples of both, by looking at, and making a small change to, the apps/RadioCountToLeds application.

The RadioCountToLeds Makefile uses mig (see Lesson 4) to build files describing the layout of its messages, for use with python and Java tools:

BUILD_EXTRA_DEPS = RadioCountMsg.py RadioCountMsg.class

RadioCountMsg.py: RadioCountToLeds.h
	mig python -target=$(PLATFORM) $(CFLAGS) -python-classname=RadioCountMsg RadioCountToLeds.h RadioCountMsg -o $@

RadioCountMsg.class: RadioCountMsg.java
	javac RadioCountMsg.java

RadioCountMsg.java: RadioCountToLeds.h
	mig java -target=$(PLATFORM) $(CFLAGS) -java-classname=RadioCountMsg RadioCountToLeds.h RadioCountMsg -o $@

include $(MAKERULES)
The first and last line of this Makefile are the basic lines present in all TinyOS Makefiles; the line in bold defining BUILD_EXTRA_DEPS specifies some additional make targets to build alongside the main TinyOS application (if you are not familiar with make, this may be a good time to read a make tutorial, e.g., this one).

When you compile RadioCountToLeds for the first time, you will see that the two extra targets, RadioCountMsg.py and RadioCountMsg.class, are automatically created:

$ make mica2
mkdir -p build/mica2
mig python -target=mica2  -python-classname=RadioCountMsg RadioCountToLeds.h RadioCountMsg -o RadioCountMsg.py
mig java -target=mica2  -java-classname=RadioCountMsg RadioCountToLeds.h RadioCountMsg -o RadioCountMsg.java
javac RadioCountMsg.java
    compiling RadioCountToLedsAppC to a mica2 binary
As this Makefile is written, these generated files are not deleted when you execute make clean. Fix this by adding the following line:
to apps/RadioCountToLeds/Makefile. This defines the CLEAN_EXTRA make variable to be the same as BUILD_EXTRA_DEPS, with RadioCountMsg.java added to the end. The build system's clean target deletes all files in CLEAN_EXTRA:
$ make clean
rm -rf build RadioCountMsg.py RadioCountMsg.class RadioCountMsg.java
rm -rf _TOSSIMmodule.so TOSSIM.pyc TOSSIM.py
Finally, to see how to pass options to the nesC compiler, we will change RadioCountToLeds's source code to set the message sending period based on the preprocessor symbol SEND_PERIOD. Change the line in RadioCountToLedsC.nc that reads
 call MilliTimer.startPeriodic(1000);
 call MilliTimer.startPeriodic(SEND_PERIOD);
and add the following line to RadioCountToLeds's Makefile:
Note the use of += when defining CFLAGS: this allows the user to also pass options to nesC when invoking make as we saw above (env CFLAGS=x make ...).

Now compiling RadioCountToLeds gives:

$ make mica2
    compiling RadioCountToLedsAppC to a mica2 binary
ncc -o build/mica2/main.exe ... -DSEND_PERIOD=2000 ... RadioCountToLedsAppC.nc -lm
    compiled RadioCountToLedsAppC to build/mica2/main.exe

TinyOS Tools

The TinyOS build system is designed to make it easier to write Makefiles for applications that support multiple platforms, programmers, etc in a uniform way. However, it's use is not compulsory, and all the tools it is built on can be used in your own build system (e.g., your own Makefile or simple build script). Below we show how to build and install the RadioCountToLeds application for a micaz with the mib510 programmer using just a few commands.

First, we compile RadioCountToLedsAppC.nc (the main component of the application) using the nesC compiler, ncc:

$ ncc -target=micaz -o rcl.exe -Os -finline-limit=100000 -Wnesc-all -Wall RadioCountToLedsAppC.nc
This generates an executable file, rcl.exe. Next, we want to install this program on a mote with mote id 15. First, we create a new executable, rcl.exe-15, where the variables storing the mote's identity are changed to 15, using the tos-set-symbols command:
$ tos-set-symbols rcl.exe rcl.exe-15 TOS_NODE_ID=15 ActiveMessageAddressC\$addr=15
Finally, we install this executable on the micaz using uisp, to a mib510 programmer connected to port /dev/ttyUSB1:
$ uisp -dpart=ATmega128 -dprog=mib510 -dserial=/dev/ttyUSB1 --erase --upload if=rcl.exe-15
Firmware Version: 2.1
Atmel AVR ATmega128 is found.
Uploading: flash
If you wish to follow this route, note two things: first, you can find out what commands the build system is executing by passing the -n option to make, which tells it to print rather than execute commands:
$ make -n micaz install.15 mib510
mkdir -p build/micaz
echo "    compiling RadioCountToLedsAppC to a micaz binary"
ncc -o build/micaz/main.exe -Os -finline-limit=100000 -Wall -Wshadow -Wnesc-all -target=micaz -fnesc-cfile=build/micaz/app.c -board=micasb  -fnesc-dump=wiring -fnesc-dump='interfaces(!abstract())' -fnesc-dump='referenced(interfacedefs, components)' -fnesc-dumpfile=build/micaz/wiring-check.xml RadioCountToLedsAppC.nc -lm
nescc-wiring build/micaz/wiring-check.xml
Second, all the commands invoked by the build system should have man pages describing their behaviour and options. For instance, try the following commands:
$ man tos-set-symbols
$ man ncc
$ man nescc

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