Lesson 9: Concurrency
Last updated 30 October 2006


This tutorial introduces the concept of async code, which represents interrupt handlers and other time-critical functionality. It describes the relationship between async code and tasks

Sync vs. Async

Lesson 2 introduced tasks as a mechanism to defer processing until later. Because tasks are run-to-completion (a new task does not start until the previous one finished), well-written components keep keep them short and spread complex processing across several tasks. Not all TinyOS code is run from a task, however: when a processor has an interrupt, it immediately jumps to the interrupt handler code.

Because interrupt handler code can theoretically run at almost any time, it has to be much more careful than task code. The interrupt might start executing in the middle of a task, and it needs to make sure that it does not corrupt variables that the task is using. The complexities this introduces motivate most service-level TinyOS code to be in tasks. Interrupt handlers therefore usually post tasks to defer their processing as soon as they can, simplifying the code.

Some code, however, such as the interrupt handlers themselves cannot be in a task. Only a small subset of TinyOS code has been written to safely run in preemptive context: these functions have the async keyword. If an async function needs to call a command or signal an event that is not async, then it must post a task to do so. Code that does not have the async keyword is synchronous, as synchronous functions do not preempt one another. However, as most TinyOS functions are synchronous, there is no keyword (it is the default). This restriction is in one direction only. Synchronous (task) code can call async functions, but async code cannot call synchronous functions.

An Example Async Function

Leds is a very common interface whose commands are all async. It is often the case that low-level code needs to control the LEDs (e.g., when testing), and so these functions can be safely called from interrupts. If the Leds commands were not async, then an interrupt handler would have to post a task to toggle them, possibly introducing enough delay to make debugging difficult.

interface Leds {
  async command void led0On();
  async command void led0Off();
  async command void led0Toggle();
  async command void led1On();
  async command void led1Off();
  async command void led1Toggle();
  async command void led2On();
  async command void led2Off();
  async command void led2Toggle();
  async command uint8_t get();
  async command void set(uint8_t val);

Calling async functions is easy; a caller doesn't need to do anything special: a component can just call Leds commands. The challenging part is implementing async functions.

Commands and events that are executed as part of a hardware event handler must be declared with the async keyword (more about the async keyword in Lesson 8).

Because tasks and hardware event handlers may be preempted by other asynchronous code, nesC programs are susceptible to certain race conditions. Races are avoided either by accessing shared data exclusively within tasks, or by having all accesses within atomic statements. The nesC compiler reports potential data races to the programmer at compile-time. It is possible the compiler may report a false positive. In this case a variable can be declared with the norace keyword. The norace keyword should be used with extreme caution.

Please see the nesC Language Reference Manual for more information on programming in nesC.