sample_tree_node_update Interface

A sample node updater.

This class serves to show the interface a node update functor needs to support.

Defined in: sample_tree_node_update.hpp

Template Parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
class Const_Node_Iterator

Const node iterator type.

class Node_Iterator

Node iterator type.

class Cmp_Fn

Comparison functor.

class Allocator

Allocator type.


Public Types and Constants

Metadata definitions.

Type Definition Description

Metadata type.

This can be any type; size_t is merely an example.

Protected Methods

Conclassors, declassor, and related.

Method Description

Default constructor.

Must be default constructable.


Method Description
inline void
  (node_iterator node_it,
    const_node_iterator end_nd_it) const

Updates the rank of a node through a node_iterator node_it; end_nd_it is the end node iterator.