#-#-Makefile-#- vim:syntax=make define M16C62P_HELP M16C/62P extras: debug : compile with minimal optimization and debug symbols debugopt : compile with debug symbols Programmer options: sm16cf : use SM16CF programmer on port '/dev/ttyUSB0'. sm16cf, : use SM16CF programmer on port . endef HELP += $(M16C62P_HELP) THIS_FOLDER = m16c62p #ifdef MAKE_DEPUTY_FLAG # NCC_SAFE_TINYOS_FLAGS = -DSAFE_TINYOS -fnesc-deputy -fnesc-deputy-args='-I$(TOSDIR)/lib/safe/include --FLIDs=build/$(PLATFORM)/flids.txt --envmachine -DSAFE_TINYOS --nolib ' $(TOSDIR)/lib/safe/avr/fail.c #else # NCC_SAFE_TINYOS_FLAGS = #endif OBJCOPY = m32c-elf-objcopy OBJDUMP = m32c-elf-objdump SET_ID = tos-set-symbols NCC = ncc LIBS = #-lm -lc -lgcc AMADDR = _ActiveMessageAddressC\$$addr # Uncomment the next two lines if you have a toolchain without the dollar sign # patch. This needs nesc 1.2.8 or newer (1.2.9 is recommended). #PFLAGS += -fnesc-separator=__ #AMADDR = ActiveMessageAddressC__addr BUILDDIR ?= build/$(PLATFORM) MAIN_EXE = $(BUILDDIR)/main.exe MAIN_SREC = $(BUILDDIR)/main.srec MAIN_IHEX = $(BUILDDIR)/main.ihex INSTALL_SREC = $(MAIN_SREC).out$(if $(NODEID),-$(NODEID),) PFLAGS += -Wshadow $(NESC_FLAGS) PFLAGS += -target=$(PLATFORM) -fnesc-cfile=$(BUILDDIR)/app.c -board=$(SENSORBOARD) ifdef MSG_SIZE PFLAGS += -DTOSH_DATA_LENGTH=$(MSG_SIZE) endif ifdef DEFAULT_LOCAL_GROUP PFLAGS += -DDEFINED_TOS_AM_GROUP=$(DEFAULT_LOCAL_GROUP) endif # We need a different start address for the flash in the linker script when building TOSBoot. # Also program the boot_args address bytes with 0xFF so that we know if they are reprogrammable. ifeq ($(COMPONENT),TosBootC) $(shell sed -e "s/0x00a0000/0x00e0000/ig" $(TINYOS_MAKE_PATH)/$(THIS_FOLDER)/m16c.x > $(TINYOS_MAKE_PATH)/$(THIS_FOLDER)/m16c_bootloader.x) $(shell sed -e "s/\/\*boot_args_address\*\//0x00f0000/ig" $(TINYOS_MAKE_PATH)/$(THIS_FOLDER)/m16c_bootloader.x > $(TINYOS_MAKE_PATH)/$(THIS_FOLDER)/m16c_bootloader_args.x) LDFLAGS += -nostartfiles -T$(TINYOS_MAKE_PATH)/$(THIS_FOLDER)/m16c_bootloader_args.x $(TINYOS_MAKE_PATH)/$(THIS_FOLDER)/crt.S else LDFLAGS += -nostartfiles -T$(TINYOS_MAKE_PATH)/$(THIS_FOLDER)/m16c.x $(TINYOS_MAKE_PATH)/$(THIS_FOLDER)/crt.S endif # This is needed so that we know that the BusyWaitMicroC.BusyWait.wait() # function always gets aligned. CFLAGS += -falign-functions=2 DEFAULT_PROGRAM ?= sm16cf # Use the 'if' function instead of the 'ifdef' construct because ifdef freaks # out with call in there. I don't know why. $(if $(PROGRAM),,$(call TOSMake_include,$(THIS_FOLDER)/$(DEFAULT_PROGRAM).extra)) # Build storage file if volumes.xml present ifneq ($(wildcard $(VOLUMEFILE)), ) build_storage: $(BUILDDIR)/StorageVolumes.h exe0: build_storage VOLUME_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS ?= $(BUILDDIR)/StorageVolumes.h: $(VOLUMEFILE) $(VOLUME_ALLOCATOR) $(VOLUME_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS) $(PLATFORMDIR) <$(VOLUMEFILE) >$@ || rm -f $@ PFLAGS += -I$(BUILDDIR) else build_storage: endif ifndef BUILD_DEPS ifeq ($(filter $(BUILDLESS_DEPS),$(GOALS)),) BUILD_DEPS = srec bytes tosimage $(POST_BUILD_EXTRA_DEPS) endif endif setid: FORCE @cmd () { echo "$$@"; $$@; }; if [ x = x$(NODEID) ]; then cmd cp $(MAIN_SREC) $(INSTALL_SREC); else cmd $(SET_ID) $(MAIN_SREC) $(INSTALL_SREC) _TOS_NODE_ID=$(NODEID) $(AMADDR)=$(NODEID) ; fi delsetid: FORCE rm -f $(subst .srec.,.exe.,$(INSTALL_SREC)) $(INSTALL_SREC) srec: exe FORCE $(OBJCOPY) --output-target=srec $(MAIN_EXE) $(MAIN_SREC) tos_buildinfo: ihex build_buildinfo FORCE @: # TODO(henrik) Remove interrupt vector table from the image. tosimage: ihex build_tosimage FORCE @: ihex: exe FORCE $(OBJCOPY) --output-target=ihex $(MAIN_EXE) $(MAIN_IHEX) exe: exe0 FORCE bytes @: exe0: builddir $(BUILD_EXTRA_DEPS) $(COMPONENT).nc FORCE @echo " compiling $(COMPONENT) to a $(PLATFORM) binary" $(NCC) -o $(MAIN_EXE) $(NCC_SAFE_TINYOS_FLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) $(PFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(WIRING_CHECK_FLAGS) $(COMPONENT).nc $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) ifdef WIRING_CHECK_FILE @nescc-wiring $(WIRING_CHECK_FILE) endif @echo " compiled $(COMPONENT) to $(MAIN_EXE)" builddir: FORCE mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR) # bug fix 2009-3-11 by ZHF, here display the ROM and RAM consumption information. bytes: FORCE @$(OBJDUMP) -h $(MAIN_EXE) | perl -ne '$$b{$$1}=hex $$2 if /^\s*\d+\s*\.(text|data|bss)\s+(\S+)/; END { printf("%16d bytes in ROM\n%16d bytes in RAM\n",$$b{text}+$$b{data},$$b{data}+$$b{bss}); }'