bsltool is a C++ based tool that can reset, erase and flash msp430 CPUs with a bootstrap loader of version 1.6 or higher. Your should be able to use it for telosb, tmote sky and eyesIFXv2 node platforms. bsltool provides only a very basic set of functions, it can not be used for debug purposes like the full blown For the basic tasks like reset, erase and flash an Intel Hex file it can be used as a drop-in replacement for from the mspgcc tool chain or tos-bsl from the tinyos-2 tool chain. On resource limited devices like the NSLU2 it delivers higher performance and allows you to flash images on more than two nodes at once, which can lead to a significant gain in time compared with the python version. Due to the reduced CPU load its impact on other running processes is much lower than the python version. However, this is a specialized tool and may not work under all conditions. You should make sure that you have: 1. the GNU C++ compiler like g++ to compile the tool 2. little endian byte order on the executing host 3. \n (new line) appearing somewhere at the end of the line in the intel hex file 4. the image to flash as an Intel Hex (TI text is not yet supported) 5. msp430 CPUs with a bootstrap loader version higher or equal to 1.6 Trouble Shooting: If your host needs something different for 2. and 4.: tell me. 1. Node should be supported (telosb, eyesIFXv2) Can not flash (but erase and transmit password work): Maybe the flash memory of the node is corrupt. ... to be extended ;-) 2. Unsupported MSP430 MCU - Check BSL version with some other tool - Check schematic assumed by and your schematic, if TEST and RESET are swapped implement your own ...Serial (see Serial.h) - Play with --invert-test, --invert-reset ... you are somewhat on your own here. This tool works great for me! Happy flashing, Andreas