(For more complete installation instructions see the documentation in doc/html.) Building from source (see below for installing binary distributions) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. If you use Windows, you must first install cygwin. 2. You must install OCaml version 3.08 or higher (see instructions at http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml). The recommended build process is using the cygwin version of ocaml. You can also build with Microsoft Visual Studio, but you must still have cygwin during the build process. See msvcbuild.cmd. 3. Download and unpack the distribution. 4. Run ./configure (from within bash if on Windows) 5. Run make 6. Run make check Now you can start using bin/cilly and bin/ccured as explained in the documentation (in doc/html). Installing binary distributions (Windows-only) ----------------------------------------------- 1. Unpack the installation package 2. Change CILHOME to the full path of the diretory where you put cil, in the following files: bin/CilConfig.pm, bin/cilly.bat, bin/patcher.bat 3. Go to test/small1 directory and run ..\..\cilly /c hello.c