open Ocamlbuild_plugin open Command ;; dispatch begin function | After_rules -> (* the main CIL library *) ocaml_lib "src/cil"; (* performance counter external functions *) let perfcount = "ocamlutil/perfcount.o" in flag ["use_perfcount"] (S [P perfcount]); dep ["use_perfcount"] [perfcount]; flag ["optimize"] (S [A "-ccopt"; A "-O3"]); (* residual reliance on make to build some OCaml source files *) let make target = let basename = Pathname.basename target in rule ("make " ^ target) ~dep: "Makefile" ~prod: basename begin fun env _ -> Cmd (S [A "make"; A "-s"; A "-C"; P ".."; A "MODULES="; A "OBJDIR=_build"; P ("_build" / target)]) end in make ""; make ""; make ""; | _ -> () end