open Escape open Pretty open Trace open Cil module E = Errormsg module H = Hashtbl module IH = Inthash module M = Machdep module U = Util module RD = Reachingdefs module UD = Usedef module A = Cabs module CH = Cabshelper module GA = GrowArray module RCT = Rmciltmps module DCE = Deadcodeelim module EC = Expcompare let doElimTemps = ref false let debug = ref false let printComments = ref false let envWarnings = ref false (* Stuff for Deputy support *) let deputyAttrs = ref false let thisKeyword = "__this" type paramkind = | PKNone | PKThis | PKOffset of attrparam let rec checkParam (ap: attrparam) : paramkind = match ap with | ACons (name, []) when name = thisKeyword -> PKThis | ABinOp (PlusA, a1, a2) when checkParam a1 = PKThis -> if a2 = AInt 0 then PKThis else PKOffset a2 | _ -> PKNone (* End stuff for Deputy support *) (* Some(-1) => l1 < l2 Some(0) => l1 = l2 Some(1) => l1 > l2 None => different files *) let loc_comp l1 l2 = if l1.A.filename l2.A.filename != 0 then None else if l1.A.lineno > l2.A.lineno then Some(1) else if l2.A.lineno > l1.A.lineno then Some(-1) else if l1.A.byteno > l2.A.byteno then Some(1) else if l2.A.byteno > l1.A.byteno then Some(-1) else Some(0) let simpleGaSearch l = let hi = GA.max_init_index CH.commentsGA in let rec loop i = if i < 0 then -1 else let (l',_,_) = GA.get CH.commentsGA i in match loc_comp l l' with None -> loop (i-1) | Some(0) -> i | Some(-1) -> loop (i-1) | Some(1) -> i | _ -> E.s (E.error "simpleGaSearch: unexpected return from loc_comp\n") in loop hi (* location -> string list *) let get_comments l = let cabsl = {A.lineno = l.line; A.filename = l.file; A.byteno = l.byte; A.ident = 0;} in let s = simpleGaSearch cabsl in let rec loop i cl = if i < 0 then cl else let (l',c,b) = GA.get CH.commentsGA i in if cabsl.A.filename l'.A.filename != 0 then loop (i - 1) cl else if b then cl else let _ = GA.set CH.commentsGA i (l',c,true) in loop (i - 1) (c::cl) in List.rev (loop s []) (* clean up some of the mess made below *) let rec simpl_cond e = match e with | UnOp(LNot,BinOp(LAnd,e1,e2,t1),t2) -> let e1 = simpl_cond (UnOp(LNot,e1,t1)) in let e2 = simpl_cond (UnOp(LNot,e2,t1)) in BinOp(LOr,e1,e2,t2) | UnOp(LNot,BinOp(LOr,e1,e2,t1),t2) -> let e1 = simpl_cond (UnOp(LNot,e1,t1)) in let e2 = simpl_cond (UnOp(LNot,e2,t1)) in BinOp(LAnd,e1,e2,t2) | UnOp(LNot,UnOp(LNot,e,_),_) -> simpl_cond e | _ -> e (* the argument b is the body of a Loop *) (* returns the loop termination condition *) (* block -> exp option *) let get_loop_condition b = (* returns the first non-empty * statement of a statement list *) (* stm list -> stm list *) let rec skipEmpty = function | [] -> [] | {skind = Instr []; labels = []}::rest -> skipEmpty rest | x -> x in (* stm -> exp option * instr list *) let rec get_cond_from_if if_stm = match if_stm.skind with If(e,tb,fb,_) -> let e = EC.stripNopCasts e in RCT.fold_blocks tb; RCT.fold_blocks fb; let tsl = skipEmpty tb.bstmts in let fsl = skipEmpty fb.bstmts in (match tsl, fsl with {skind = Break _} :: _, [] -> Some e | [], {skind = Break _} :: _ -> Some(UnOp(LNot, e, intType)) | ({skind = If(_,_,_,_)} as s) :: _, [] -> let teo = get_cond_from_if s in (match teo with None -> None | Some te -> Some(BinOp(LAnd,e,EC.stripNopCasts te,intType))) | [], ({skind = If(_,_,_,_)} as s) :: _ -> let feo = get_cond_from_if s in (match feo with None -> None | Some fe -> Some(BinOp(LAnd,UnOp(LNot,e,intType), EC.stripNopCasts fe,intType))) | {skind = Break _} :: _, ({skind = If(_,_,_,_)} as s):: _ -> let feo = get_cond_from_if s in (match feo with None -> None | Some fe -> Some(BinOp(LOr,e,EC.stripNopCasts fe,intType))) | ({skind = If(_,_,_,_)} as s) :: _, {skind = Break _} :: _ -> let teo = get_cond_from_if s in (match teo with None -> None | Some te -> Some(BinOp(LOr,UnOp(LNot,e,intType), EC.stripNopCasts te,intType))) | ({skind = If(_,_,_,_)} as ts) :: _ , ({skind = If(_,_,_,_)} as fs) :: _ -> let teo = get_cond_from_if ts in let feo = get_cond_from_if fs in (match teo, feo with Some te, Some fe -> Some(BinOp(LOr,BinOp(LAnd,e,EC.stripNopCasts te,intType), BinOp(LAnd,UnOp(LNot,e,intType), EC.stripNopCasts fe,intType),intType)) | _,_ -> None) | _, _ -> (if !debug then ignore(E.log "cond_finder: branches of %a not good\n" d_stmt if_stm); None)) | _ -> (if !debug then ignore(E.log "cond_finder: %a not an if\n" d_stmt if_stm); None) in let sl = skipEmpty b.bstmts in match sl with ({skind = If(_,_,_,_); labels=[]} as s) :: rest -> get_cond_from_if s, rest | s :: _ -> (if !debug then ignore(E.log "checkMover: %a is first, not an if\n" d_stmt s); None, sl) | [] -> (if !debug then ignore(E.log "checkMover: no statements in loop block?\n"); None, sl) class zraCilPrinterClass : cilPrinter = object (self) inherit defaultCilPrinterClass as super val genvHtbl : (string, varinfo) H.t = H.create 128 val lenvHtbl : (string, varinfo) H.t = H.create 128 (*** VARIABLES ***) (* give the varinfo for the variable to be printed, * returns the varinfo for the varinfo with that name * in the current environment. * Returns argument and prints a warning if the variable * isn't in the environment *) method private getEnvVi (v:varinfo) : varinfo = try if H.mem lenvHtbl v.vname then H.find lenvHtbl v.vname else H.find genvHtbl v.vname with Not_found -> if !envWarnings then ignore (warn "variable %s not in pp environment" v.vname); v (* True when v agrees with the entry in the environment for the name of v. False otherwise *) method private checkVi (v:varinfo) : bool = let v' = self#getEnvVi v in v.vid = v'.vid method private checkViAndWarn (v:varinfo) = if not (self#checkVi v) then ignore (warn "mentioned variable %s and its entry in the current environment have different varinfo." v.vname) (** Get the comment out of a location if there is one *) method pLineDirective ?(forcefile=false) l = let ld = super#pLineDirective l in if !printComments then let c = String.concat "\n" (get_comments l) in match c with "" -> ld | _ -> ld ++ line ++ text "/*" ++ text c ++ text "*/" ++ line else ld (* variable use *) method pVar (v:varinfo) = (* warn about instances where a possibly unintentionally conflicting name is used *) if IH.mem RCT.iioh v.vid then let rhso = IH.find RCT.iioh v.vid in match rhso with Some(Call(_,e,el,l)) -> (* print a call instead of a temp variable *) let oldpit = super#getPrintInstrTerminator() in let _ = super#setPrintInstrTerminator "" in let opc = !printComments in let _ = printComments := false in let c = match unrollType (typeOf e) with TFun(rt,_,_,_) when not (Util.equals (typeSig rt) (typeSig v.vtype)) -> text "(" ++ self#pType None () v.vtype ++ text ")" | _ -> nil in let d = self#pInstr () (Call(None,e,el,l)) in let _ = super#setPrintInstrTerminator oldpit in let _ = printComments := opc in c ++ d | _ -> if IH.mem RCT.incdecHash v.vid then (* print an post-inc/dec instead of a temp variable *) let redefid, rhsvi, b = IH.find RCT.incdecHash v.vid in match b with PlusA | PlusPI | IndexPI -> text rhsvi.vname ++ text "++" | MinusA | MinusPI -> text rhsvi.vname ++ text "--" | _ -> E.s (E.error "zraCilPrinterClass.pVar: unexpected op for inc/dec\n") else (self#checkViAndWarn v; text v.vname) else if IH.mem RCT.incdecHash v.vid then (* print an post-inc/dec instead of a temp variable *) let redefid, rhsvi, b = IH.find RCT.incdecHash v.vid in match b with PlusA | PlusPI | IndexPI -> text rhsvi.vname ++ text "++" | MinusA | MinusPI -> text rhsvi.vname ++ text "--" | _ -> E.s (E.error "zraCilPrinterClass.pVar: unexpected op for inc/dec\n") else (self#checkViAndWarn v; text v.vname) (* variable declaration *) method pVDecl () (v:varinfo) = (* See if the name is already in the environment with a different varinfo. If so, give a warning. If not, add the name to the environment *) let _ = if (H.mem lenvHtbl v.vname) && not(self#checkVi v) then ignore( warn "name %s has already been declared locally with different varinfo\n" v.vname) else if (H.mem genvHtbl v.vname) && not(self#checkVi v) then ignore( warn "name %s has already been declared globally with different varinfo\n" v.vname) else if not v.vglob then (if !debug then ignore(E.log "zrapp: adding %s to local pp environment\n" v.vname); H.add lenvHtbl v.vname v) else (if !debug then ignore(E.log "zrapp: adding %s to global pp envirnoment\n" v.vname); H.add genvHtbl v.vname v) in let stom, rest = separateStorageModifiers v.vattr in (* First the storage modifiers *) self#pLineDirective v.vdecl ++ text (if v.vinline then "__inline " else "") ++ d_storage () v.vstorage ++ (self#pAttrs () stom) ++ (self#pType (Some (text v.vname)) () v.vtype) ++ text " " ++ self#pAttrs () rest (* For printing deputy annotations *) method pAttr (Attr (an, args) : attribute) : doc * bool = if not (!deputyAttrs) then super#pAttr (Attr(an,args)) else match an, args with | "fancybounds", [AInt i1; AInt i2] -> nil, false (*if !showBounds then dprintf "BND(%a, %a)" self#pExp (getBoundsExp i1) self#pExp (getBoundsExp i2), false else text "BND(...)", false*) | "bounds", [a1; a2] -> begin match checkParam a1, checkParam a2 with | PKThis, PKThis -> text "COUNT(0)", false | PKThis, PKOffset (AInt 1) -> text "SAFE", false | PKThis, PKOffset a -> nil, false (*if !showBounds then dprintf "COUNT(%a)" self#pAttrParam a, false else text "COUNT(...)", false*) | _ -> nil, false (* if !showBounds then dprintf "BND(%a, %a)" self#pAttrParam a1 self#pAttrParam a2, false else text "BND(...)", false*) end | "fancysize", [AInt i] -> nil, false (*dprintf "SIZE(%a)" self#pExp (getBoundsExp i), false*) | "size", [a] -> dprintf "SIZE(%a)" self#pAttrParam a, false | "fancywhen", [AInt i] -> nil, false (*dprintf "WHEN(%a)" self#pExp (getBoundsExp i), false*) | "when", [a] -> dprintf "WHEN(%a)" self#pAttrParam a, false | "nullterm", [] -> text "NT", false | "assumeconst", [] -> text "ASSUMECONST", false | "trusted", [] -> text "TRUSTED", false | "poly", [a] -> dprintf "POLY(%a)" self#pAttrParam a, false | "poly", [] -> text "POLY", false | "sentinel", [] -> text "SNT", false | "nonnull", [] -> text "NONNULL", false | "_ptrnode", [AInt n] -> nil, false (*if !Doptions.emitGraphDetailLevel >= 3 then dprintf "NODE(%d)" n, false else nil, false*) | "missing_annot", _-> (* Don't bother printing thess *) nil, false | _ -> super#pAttr (Attr (an, args)) (*** GLOBALS ***) method pGlobal () (g:global) : doc = (* global (vars, types, etc.) *) match g with | GFun (fundec, l) -> (* If the function has attributes then print a prototype because * GCC cannot accept function attributes in a definition *) let oldattr = fundec.svar.vattr in (* Always pring the file name before function declarations *) let proto = if oldattr <> [] then (self#pLineDirective l) ++ (self#pVDecl () fundec.svar) ++ chr ';' ++ line else nil in (* Temporarily remove the function attributes *) fundec.svar.vattr <- []; let body = (self#pLineDirective ~forcefile:true l) ++ (self#pFunDecl () fundec) in fundec.svar.vattr <- oldattr; proto ++ body ++ line | GType (typ, l) -> self#pLineDirective ~forcefile:true l ++ text "typedef " ++ (self#pType (Some (text typ.tname)) () typ.ttype) ++ text ";\n" | GEnumTag (enum, l) -> self#pLineDirective l ++ text "enum" ++ align ++ text (" " ^ enum.ename) ++ self#pAttrs () enum.eattr ++ text " {" ++ line ++ (docList ~sep:(chr ',' ++ line) (fun (n,i, loc) -> text (n ^ " = ") ++ self#pExp () i) () enum.eitems) ++ unalign ++ line ++ text "};\n" | GEnumTagDecl (enum, l) -> (* This is a declaration of a tag *) self#pLineDirective l ++ text ("enum " ^ enum.ename ^ ";\n") | GCompTag (comp, l) -> (* This is a definition of a tag *) let n = comp.cname in let su, su1, su2 = if comp.cstruct then "struct", "str", "uct" else "union", "uni", "on" in let sto_mod, rest_attr = separateStorageModifiers comp.cattr in self#pLineDirective ~forcefile:true l ++ text su1 ++ (align ++ text su2 ++ chr ' ' ++ (self#pAttrs () sto_mod) ++ text n ++ text " {" ++ line ++ ((docList ~sep:line (self#pFieldDecl ())) () comp.cfields) ++ unalign) ++ line ++ text "}" ++ (self#pAttrs () rest_attr) ++ text ";\n" | GCompTagDecl (comp, l) -> (* This is a declaration of a tag *) self#pLineDirective l ++ text (compFullName comp) ++ text ";\n" | GVar (vi, io, l) -> self#pLineDirective ~forcefile:true l ++ self#pVDecl () vi ++ chr ' ' ++ (match io.init with None -> nil | Some i -> text " = " ++ (let islong = match i with CompoundInit (_, il) when List.length il >= 8 -> true | _ -> false in if islong then line ++ self#pLineDirective l ++ text " " else nil) ++ (self#pInit () i)) ++ text ";\n" (* print global variable 'extern' declarations, and function prototypes *) | GVarDecl (vi, l) -> let builtins = if !msvcMode then msvcBuiltins else gccBuiltins in if not !printCilAsIs && H.mem builtins vi.vname then begin (* Compiler builtins need no prototypes. Just print them in comments. *) text "/* compiler builtin: \n " ++ (self#pVDecl () vi) ++ text "; */\n" end else self#pLineDirective l ++ (self#pVDecl () vi) ++ text ";\n" | GAsm (s, l) -> self#pLineDirective l ++ text ("__asm__(\"" ^ escape_string s ^ "\");\n") | GPragma (Attr(an, args), l) -> (* sm: suppress printing pragmas that gcc does not understand *) (* assume anything starting with "ccured" is ours *) (* also don't print the 'combiner' pragma *) (* nor 'cilnoremove' *) let suppress = not !print_CIL_Input && not !msvcMode && ((startsWith "box" an) || (startsWith "ccured" an) || (an = "merger") || (an = "cilnoremove")) in let d = match an, args with | _, [] -> text an | "weak", [ACons (symbol, [])] -> text "weak " ++ text symbol | _ -> text (an ^ "(") ++ docList ~sep:(chr ',') (self#pAttrParam ()) () args ++ text ")" in self#pLineDirective l ++ (if suppress then text "/* " else text "") ++ (text "#pragma ") ++ d ++ (if suppress then text " */\n" else text "\n") | GText s -> if s <> "//" then text s ++ text "\n" else nil method dGlobal (out: out_channel) (g: global) : unit = (* For all except functions and variable with initializers, use the * pGlobal *) match g with GFun (fdec, l) -> (* If the function has attributes then print a prototype because * GCC cannot accept function attributes in a definition *) let oldattr = fdec.svar.vattr in let proto = if oldattr <> [] then (self#pLineDirective l) ++ (self#pVDecl () fdec.svar) ++ chr ';' ++ line else nil in fprint out 80 (proto ++ (self#pLineDirective ~forcefile:true l)); (* Temporarily remove the function attributes *) fdec.svar.vattr <- []; fprint out 80 (self#pFunDecl () fdec); fdec.svar.vattr <- oldattr; output_string out "\n" | GVar (vi, {init = Some i}, l) -> begin fprint out 80 (self#pLineDirective ~forcefile:true l ++ self#pVDecl () vi ++ text " = " ++ (let islong = match i with CompoundInit (_, il) when List.length il >= 8 -> true | _ -> false in if islong then line ++ self#pLineDirective l ++ text " " else nil)); self#dInit out 3 i; output_string out ";\n" end | g -> fprint out 80 (self#pGlobal () g) method pFieldDecl () fi = self#pLineDirective fi.floc ++ (self#pType (Some (text (if fi.fname = missingFieldName then "" else fi.fname))) () fi.ftype) ++ text " " ++ (match fi.fbitfield with None -> nil | Some i -> text ": " ++ num i ++ text " ") ++ self#pAttrs () fi.fattr ++ text ";" method private pFunDecl () f = H.add genvHtbl f.svar.vname f.svar;(* add function to global env *) H.clear lenvHtbl; (* new local environment *) (* add the arguments to the local environment *) List.iter (fun vi -> H.add lenvHtbl vi.vname vi) f.sformals; let nf = if !doElimTemps then RCT.eliminate_temps f else f in let decls = docList ~sep:line (fun vi -> self#pVDecl () vi ++ text ";") () nf.slocals in self#pVDecl () nf.svar ++ line ++ text "{ " ++ (align (* locals. *) ++ decls ++ line ++ line (* the body *) ++ ((* remember the declaration *) super#setCurrentFormals nf.sformals; let body = self#pBlock () nf.sbody in super#setCurrentFormals []; body)) ++ line ++ text "}" method private pStmtKind (next : stmt) () (sk : stmtkind) = match sk with | Loop(b,l,_,_) -> begin (* See if we can turn this into a while(e) {} *) (* TODO: See if we can turn this into a do { } while(e); *) let co, bodystmts = get_loop_condition b in match co with | None -> super#pStmtKind next () sk | Some c -> begin self#pLineDirective l ++ text "wh" ++ (align ++ text "ile (" ++ self#pExp () (simpl_cond (UnOp(LNot,c,intType))) ++ text ") " ++ self#pBlock () {bstmts=bodystmts; battrs=b.battrs}) end end | _ -> super#pStmtKind next () sk end (* class zraCilPrinterClass *) let zraCilPrinter = new zraCilPrinterClass (* pretty print an expression *) let pp_exp (fd : fundec) () (e : exp) = deputyAttrs := true; ignore(RCT.eliminateTempsForExpPrinting fd); let d = zraCilPrinter#pExp () e in deputyAttrs := false; d type outfile = { fname : string; fchan : out_channel } let outChannel : outfile option ref = ref None (* Processign of output file arguments *) let openFile (what: string) (takeit: outfile -> unit) (fl: string) = if !E.verboseFlag then ignore (Printf.printf "Setting %s to %s\n" what fl); (try takeit {fname = fl; fchan = open_out fl} with _ -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Cannot open " ^ what ^ " file " ^ fl))) let feature : featureDescr = { fd_name = "zrapp"; fd_enabled = ref false; fd_description = "pretty printing with checks for name conflicts and\n\t\t\t\ttemp variable elimination"; fd_extraopt = [ "--zrapp_elim_temps", Arg.Unit (fun n -> doElimTemps := true), "Try to eliminate temporary variables during pretty printing"; "--zrapp_debug", Arg.Unit (fun n -> debug := true; RD.debug := true), "Lots of debugging info for pretty printing and reaching definitions"; "--zrapp_debug_fn", Arg.String (fun s -> RD.debug_fn := s), "Only output debugging info for one function"; "--zrapp_comments", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> printComments := true), "Print comments from source file in output";]; fd_doit = (function (f: file) -> lineDirectiveStyle := None; printerForMaincil := zraCilPrinter); fd_post_check = false }