(* * * Copyright (c) 2004, * Jeremy Condit * George C. Necula * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* * * dcanonexp.ml * * Canonicalizer for Cil expressions. * *) open Cil open Expcompare open Pretty open Doptions open Dutil (*open Doptimutil*) open Dattrs module E = Errormsg let rec canTypeOf (e: exp) : typ = match e with | Const(CInt64 (_, ik, _)) -> TInt(ik, []) (* Character constants have type int. ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E), * section [Character constants], paragraph 10, if you * don't believe me. *) | Const(CChr _) -> intType (* The type of a string is a pointer to characters ! The only case when * you would want it to be an array is as an argument to sizeof, but we * have SizeOfStr for that *) | Const(CStr s) -> charPtrType | Const(CWStr s) -> TPtr(!wcharType,[]) | Const(CReal (_, fk, _)) -> TFloat(fk, []) | Const(CEnum(_, _, ei)) -> TEnum(ei, []) | Lval(lv) -> canTypeOfLval lv | SizeOf _ | SizeOfE _ | SizeOfStr _ -> !typeOfSizeOf | AlignOf _ | AlignOfE _ -> !typeOfSizeOf | UnOp (_, _, t) -> t | BinOp (_, _, _, t) -> t | CastE (t, _) -> t | AddrOf (lv) -> TPtr(canTypeOfLval lv, []) | StartOf (lv) -> begin match unrollType (canTypeOfLval lv) with TArray (t,_, a) -> TPtr(t, a) | _ -> E.s (E.bug "canTypeOf: StartOf on a non-array") end and canTypeOfInit (i: init) : typ = match i with SingleInit e -> canTypeOf e | CompoundInit (t, _) -> t and canTypeOfLval = function Var vi, off -> canTypeOffset vi.vtype off | Mem addr, off -> begin match unrollType (canTypeOf addr) with TPtr (t, _) | TArray(t,_,_) -> canTypeOffset t off | _ -> E.s (bug "canTypeOfLval: Mem on a non-pointer (%a):%a" d_exp addr d_type (canTypeOf addr)) end and canTypeOffset basetyp = let blendAttributes baseAttrs = let (_, _, contageous) = partitionAttributes ~default:(AttrName false) baseAttrs in typeAddAttributes contageous in function NoOffset -> basetyp | Index (_, o) -> begin match unrollType basetyp with TArray (t, _, baseAttrs) -> let elementType = canTypeOffset t o in blendAttributes baseAttrs elementType | t -> E.s (E.bug "canTypeOffset: Index on a non-array") end | Field (fi, o) -> match unrollType basetyp with TComp (_, baseAttrs) -> let fieldType = canTypeOffset fi.ftype o in blendAttributes baseAttrs fieldType | _ -> E.s (bug "canTypeOffset: Field on a non-compound") (** Keep expressions to be compared in a canonical form: a constant + sum of * weighted expressions, where the latter are not something that can be * broken in a canonical expression themselves. These atomic expressions will * be compared for equality. *) module Can = struct type t = { ct: int64; cf: (int64 * exp) list; ck: ikind; } let mkInt n ik = { ct = n; cf = []; ck = ik} let atomic (f: int64) (e: exp) (ik : ikind) = if f = Int64.zero then { ct = Int64.zero; cf = []; ck = ik } else { ct = Int64.zero; cf = [(f, e)]; ck = ik} let zero ik = mkInt Int64.zero ik let weightedAdd (w1: int64) (c1: t) (cacc: t) (rkind : ikind) = let truncate i = fst(truncateInteger64 rkind i) in let rec insert (w: int64) (e: exp) = function [] -> if w = Int64.zero then [] else [ (w, e) ] | (w', e') :: rest -> if deputyCompareExp e e' then let w'' = truncate (Int64.add w w') in if w'' = Int64.zero then rest else (w'', e') :: rest else begin (*log "weightedAdd: %a != %a\n" d_plainexp e d_plainexp e';*) (w', e') :: insert w e rest end in { ct = truncate(Int64.add (Int64.mul w1 c1.ct) cacc.ct); cf = List.fold_left (fun acc (w,e) -> insert (truncate (Int64.mul w1 w)) e acc) cacc.cf c1.cf; ck = rkind; } let add c1 c2 ik = weightedAdd Int64.one c1 c2 ik let sub c1 c2 ik = weightedAdd Int64.minus_one c2 c1 ik let mult c n ik = weightedAdd n c (zero c.ck) ik (* do not use *) let addConst cnst ik c = let ct,cnst,rkind = convertInts c.ct c.ck cnst ik in { c with ct = fst(truncateInteger64 rkind (Int64.add cnst c.ct))} let d_t () c = if c.cf = [] then num64 c.ct else begin dprintf "%a%a" insert (if c.ct = Int64.zero then nil else (d_int64 c.ct)) (docList ~sep:nil (fun (w, e) -> dprintf "%a%a" insert (if w = Int64.one then chr '+' else if w = Int64.minus_one then chr '-' else (if w > Int64.zero then chr '+' else nil) ++ dprintf "%s*" (Int64.to_string w)) d_exp e)) c.cf end type sign = Pos | Neg | Zero | DontKnow (* t -> sign *) let getSign c = let getTermSign (f, e) = if f > Int64.zero && not(isSignedType(canTypeOf e)) then Pos else DontKnow in let cfs = List.map getTermSign c.cf in try let s = List.fold_left (fun s s' -> match s, s' with | Pos, Pos -> Pos | Neg, Neg -> Neg | _, _ -> DontKnow) (List.hd cfs) cfs in if s = Pos && c.ct >= Int64.zero then Pos else if s = Neg && c.ct <= Int64.zero then Neg else DontKnow with Failure "hd" -> if c.ct > Int64.zero then Pos else if c.ct < Int64.zero then Neg else Zero end (** The arithmetic factor for a base type *) let arithFactor (t: typ) : int64 = match unrollType t with | TPtr (bt, _) -> Int64.of_int(bitsSizeOf bt / 8) | _ -> Int64.one (* Convert lh[x] to *(lh + x) * Convert &lh[x] to (lh + x) *) let rec canonMemAccess (e : exp) : exp = let canonLh (lh : lhost) : lhost = match lh with | Mem e -> Mem(canonMemAccess e) | _ -> lh in let rec canonOff (off : offset) : offset = match off with | Index(e, off) -> Index(canonMemAccess e, canonOff off) | Field(fi, off) -> Field(fi, canonOff off) | NoOffset -> NoOffset in match e with | Lval(lh,Index(e,off)) | StartOf(lh,Index(e,off)) -> let base = StartOf(lh,NoOffset) in canonMemAccess (Lval(Mem(BinOp(PlusPI,base,e,canTypeOf base)), off)) | Lval(lh,off) -> Lval(canonLh lh, canonOff off) | StartOf(lh,off) -> StartOf(canonLh lh, canonOff off) (* &A[x] -> (A + x) *) | AddrOf(lh, off) -> begin let rec splitOffset off = match off with | NoOffset -> NoOffset, NoOffset | Field(fi, off') -> let flds, idx = splitOffset off' in Field(fi, flds), idx | Index(e, NoOffset) -> NoOffset, Index(e, NoOffset) | Index(e, off') -> let flds, idx = splitOffset off' in Index(e,flds), idx in let (flds, indx) = splitOffset off in match indx with | Index(e, NoOffset) -> begin let base = StartOf(lh, flds) in canonMemAccess (BinOp(PlusPI, base, e, canTypeOf base)) end | _ -> AddrOf(canonLh lh, canonOff off) end | UnOp(uop,e,t) -> UnOp(uop,canonMemAccess e,t) | BinOp(bop,e1,e2,t) -> BinOp(bop,canonMemAccess e1,canonMemAccess e2,t) | CastE(t,e) -> CastE(t,canonMemAccess e) | _ -> e let findIkindSz (unsigned : bool) (sz : int) : ikind = (* Test the most common sizes first *) if sz = bytesSizeOfInt IInt then if unsigned then IUInt else IInt else if sz = bytesSizeOfInt ILong then if unsigned then IULong else ILong else if sz = 1 then if unsigned then IUChar else IChar else if sz = bytesSizeOfInt IShort then if unsigned then IUShort else IShort else if sz = bytesSizeOfInt ILongLong then if unsigned then IULongLong else ILongLong else if unsigned then IULong else ILong (* I need my own versions of isSignedType and typeOf because I need to use them after canonMemAccess, wchih breaks some invarients *) let rec isSignedType (t:typ) : bool = match unrollType t with | TInt(ik,_) -> isSigned ik | TEnum _ -> true | TPtr _ -> false | TArray _ -> false | _ -> false (** Convert an expression into a canonical expression *) let rec canonExp (fact: int64) (e: exp) : Can.t = match e with | Const (CInt64 (i, ik, _)) -> Can.mkInt (Int64.mul fact i) ik | BinOp ((PlusA|PlusPI|IndexPI), e1, e2, t) -> begin try let facte2 : int64 = Int64.mul fact (arithFactor t) in let ik = findIkindSz (not(isSignedType t)) ((bitsSizeOf t)/8) in Can.add (canonExp fact e1) (canonExp facte2 e2) ik with SizeOfError _ -> (*log "canonExp: isSignedType Plus (%a)" d_type t;*) let ik = findIkindSz (not(isSignedType t)) ((bitsSizeOf t)/8) in Can.atomic fact e ik end | BinOp ((MinusA|MinusPI|MinusPP), e1, e2, t) -> begin try let facte2 : int64 = Int64.mul fact (arithFactor t) in let ik = findIkindSz (not(isSignedType t)) ((bitsSizeOf t)/8) in Can.add (canonExp fact e1) (canonExp (Int64.neg facte2) e2) ik with SizeOfError _ -> (*log "canonExp: isSignedType Minus (%a)" d_type t;*) let ik = findIkindSz (not(isSignedType t)) ((bitsSizeOf t)/8) in Can.atomic fact e ik end | BinOp (Div, BinOp(Mult, e1, e2, tm), e3, td) -> if deputyCompareExp e2 e3 then canonExp fact e1 else begin (*log "canonExp: isSignedType DivMult (%a)" d_type td;*) let ik = findIkindSz (not(isSignedType td)) ((bitsSizeOf td)/8) in Can.atomic fact e ik end | CastE _ -> begin let ep = stripNopCasts e in if not(Util.equals e ep) then begin let ce = canonExp fact ep in (*ignore(E.log "canonExp: stripped casts: %a -> %a\n" d_plainexp e Can.d_t ce);*) ce end else begin (*log "canonExp: isSignedType CastE (%a)" d_type (canTypeOf ep);*) let ik = findIkindSz (not(isSignedType(canTypeOf ep))) ((bitsSizeOf(canTypeOf ep))/8) in let ce = Can.atomic fact ep ik in (*ignore(E.log "canonExp: cast left: %a\n" d_plainexp e);*) ce end end (* Let's not distinguish between A[x] and *(A + x) *) (* | Lval(lh, Index(e, off)) | StartOf(lh, Index(e, off)) -> begin let base = StartOf(lh, NoOffset) in Can.atomic fact (Lval(Mem(BinOp(PlusPI, base, e, typeOf base)), off)) end *) (* &A[x] -> (A + x) *) (* | AddrOf(lh, off) -> begin let rec splitOffset off = match off with | NoOffset -> NoOffset, NoOffset | Field(fi, off') -> let flds, idx = splitOffset off' in Field(fi, flds), idx | Index(e, NoOffset) -> NoOffset, Index(e, NoOffset) | Index(e, off') -> let flds, idx = splitOffset off' in Index(e,flds), idx in let (flds, indx) = splitOffset off in match indx with | Index(e, NoOffset) -> begin let base = StartOf(lh, flds) in canonExp fact (BinOp(PlusPI, base, e, typeOf base)) end | _ -> Can.atomic fact e end *) | _ -> (*log "canonExp: %a isSignedType _ (%a)" d_exp e d_type (canTypeOf e);*) Can.atomic fact e (findIkindSz (not(isSignedType(canTypeOf e))) ((bitsSizeOf(canTypeOf e))/8)) let canonExp (fact: int64) (e: exp) : Can.t = let e = constFold true e in (* Apply constant folding first *) let e = canonMemAccess e in (* Canonicalize memory access *) if false then begin ignore (log "canonicalizing %a\n" d_exp e); let res = canonExp fact e in ignore (log "canonExp(%a) = %a\n" d_exp e Can.d_t res); res end else canonExp fact e let canonCompareExp (e1 : exp) (e2 : exp) : bool = let dce1 = canonExp Int64.one e1 in let dce2 = canonExp Int64.one e2 in let diff = Can.sub dce1 dce2 ILong in diff.Can.ct = Int64.zero && diff.Can.cf = [] let canonCompareLval (lv1 : lval) (lv2 : lval) : bool = let dce1 = canonExp Int64.one (Lval lv1) in let dce2 = canonExp Int64.one (Lval lv2) in let diff = Can.sub dce1 dce2 ILong in diff.Can.ct = Int64.zero && diff.Can.cf = []