To build nesC: in this directory ./configure [--prefix=/lib/ncc/editor-modes//readme.txt To use nesC with TinyOS, you need to install the ncc, mig, etc TinyOS frontends for nesC. These are found in tinyos-1.x/tools/src/ncc (for TinyOS 1.x) and in tinyos-2.x/tools (for TinyOS 2.x). Please follow the installation directions you find there. To use nesC with the Atmel AVR processors or the TI MSP processors you need the avr-gcc and msp430-gcc packages, and the corresponding GNU binutils (avr-binutils and msp430-binutils respectively). You can use the patched versions of these binutils that allow $ in symbol names, available from (check to see if newer versions are available), or you can pass the -fnesc-separator=__ option to nescc (ncc if using TinyOS) to use __ rather than $ in generated code. See the nescc man page for details.