README for NxFloat Author/Contact: Description: NxFloat is a version of the TestSerial application modified to use floating point numbers. It tests communication over the serial port and nx_float support. The java application sends packets to the serial port at 1Hz: the packet contains an incrementing counter. When the mote application receives a counter packet, it displays the bottom three bits on its LEDs. (This application is similar to RadioCountToLeds, except that it operates over the serial port.) Likewise, the mote also sends packets to the serial port at 1Hz, these packets contain a sequence number multiplied by 3.2. Upon reception of a packet, the java application prints the counter's value to standard out. Java Application Usage: java TestSerial [-comm ] If not specified, the defaults to sf@localhost:9002 or to your MOTECOM environment variable (if defined). Tools: Known bugs/limitations: None.