README for TestNetwork Author/Contact: Description: TestNetworkC exercises the basic networking layers, collection and dissemination. The application samples DemoSensorC at a basic rate and sends packets up a collection tree. The rate is configurable through dissemination. See TEP118: Dissemination, TEP 119: Collection, and TEP 123: The Collection Tree Protocol for details. There are scripts on net2 website to parse the debug messages sent by the nodes. To test, start with two motes with no program that transmits packets. Example., erase the mote or install Blink. Program a mote with node id 0. The mote will toggle led1 (green on TelosB) approximately every 8s. Then program the second mote with id 1. Once programming is complete, the mote with id 0 will toggle led1 twice every 8s. Each toggle corresponds to the reception of collection message (once from itself, and once from the mote with id 1). Errors indications: Motes 0 and 1 will set led0 (red on TelosB) if there are errors while sending the packet. Mote 0 will set led2 (blue on TelosB) if the gap in sequence number on consecutive packet reception from node 1 is greater than 1. This is expected to be a rare event while doing experiment on a desk. Known bugs/limitations: None.