Introduction ============ The TinyOS Extension Proposals (TEPs) are written using the reStructuredText. Converting them into HTML documents can be performed using the "rst2html" tool from the python Docutils package:: Installing Docutils using a native package ========================================== Many Linux distributions provide a native Docutils package. We provide short instructions for installing the package on Fedora Core 3, Fedora Core 4 and Debian. Fedora Core 3 ------------- The Docutils package is part of the "extras" distribution channel. When using the "yum" package manager, the "extras" repository can be added by creating a new extras.repo file in the /etc/yum/yum.repos.d directory with the content:: [extras] name=Fedora Extras - $releasever - $basearch baseurl=$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 After that, Docutils can be installed by issuing:: sudo yum install python-docutils Alternatively, the Docutils RPM package can be downloaded manually from:: and installed using: sudo rpm -ivh python-docutils-0.3.9-1.fc3.noarch.rpm Fedora Core 4 ------------- In Fedora Core 4, the "extras" repository is already configured, but disabled by default. The docutils package can be installed using:: sudo yum --enablerepo=extras install python-docutils Alternatively, the Docutils RPM package can be downloaded manually from:: and installed using: sudo rpm -ivh python-docutils-0.3.9-1.fc4.noarch.rpm Debian ------ The Docutils are packaged in the python-docutils DEB package and can be installed using: sudo apt-get install python-docutils Alternatively, the Docutils DEB package can be download (for Debian stable) from:: and installed using:: sudo dpkg -i python-docutils_0.3.7-2_all.deb Installing Docutils from sources ================================ The latest Docutils source release (0.3.9) can be downloaded from:: The source is packaged using python Distutils and can be installed using:: sudo python install