#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2007 Johns Hopkins University. # All rights reserved. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written # agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice, the (updated) modification history and the author appear in # all copies of this source code. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF USE, DATA, # OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # @author Razvan Musaloiu-E. # @author Chieh-Jan Mike Liang import sys, stat, struct, subprocess, time import tinyos from datetime import datetime import os.path # Path to the python script that builds Deluge image from XML PATH_PY_BUILD_IMAGE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'tos-build-deluge-image') # TinyOS serial communication parameters FM_AMID = 0xAB DM_AMID = 0xAC SERIAL_DATA_LENGTH = 28 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 BAUDRATES = {'micaz': 57600, 'telosb': 115200} # Commands for FlashManager FM_CMD_ERASE = 0 FM_CMD_WRITE = 1 FM_CMD_READ = 2 FM_CMD_CRC = 3 FM_CMD_ADDR = 4 FM_CMD_SYNC = 5 FM_CMD_IDENT = 6 # Commands for DelugeManager DM_CMD_STOP = 1 DM_CMD_LOCAL_STOP = 2 DM_CMD_ONLY_DISSEMINATE = 3 DM_CMD_DISSEMINATE_AND_REPROGRAM = 4 DM_CMD_REPROGRAM = 5 DM_CMD_BOOT = 6 ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 # T2-compatible ERROR_FAIL = 1 # T2-compatible # Deluge parameters DELUGE_MAX_PAGES = 128 DELUGE_IDENT_OFFSET = 0 DELUGE_IDENT_SIZE = 128 class FMReqPacket(tinyos.GenericPacket): def __init__(self, packet = None): tinyos.GenericPacket.__init__(self, [('cmd', 'int', 1), ('imgNum', 'int', 1), ('offset', 'int', 2), ('length', 'int', 2), ('data', 'blob', None)], packet) class DMReqPacket(tinyos.GenericPacket): def __init__(self, packet = None): tinyos.GenericPacket.__init__(self, [('cmd', 'int', 1), ('imgNum', 'int', 1)], packet) class SerialReplyPacket(tinyos.GenericPacket): def __init__(self, packet = None): tinyos.GenericPacket.__init__(self, [('error', 'int', 1), ('data', 'blob', None)], packet) class Ident(tinyos.GenericPacket): def __init__(self, packet = None): tinyos.GenericPacket.__init__(self, [('uidhash', 'int', 4), ('size', 'int', 4), ('pages', 'int', 1), ('reserved', 'int', 1), ('crc', 'int', 2), ('appname', 'string', 16), ('username', 'string', 16), ('hostname', 'string', 16), ('platform', 'string', 16), ('timestamp','int', 4), ('userhash', 'int', 4)], packet) class ShortIdent(tinyos.GenericPacket): def __init__(self, packet = None): tinyos.GenericPacket.__init__(self, [('appname', 'string', 16), ('timestamp','int', 4), ('uidhash', 'int', 4), ('nodeid', 'int', 2)], packet) # Computes 16-bit CRC def crc16(data): crc = 0 for b in data: crc = crc ^ (b << 8) for i in range(0, 8): if crc & 0x8000 == 0x8000: crc = (crc << 1) ^ 0x1021 else: crc = crc << 1 crc = crc & 0xffff return crc def handleResponse(success, msg): if success == True: packet = s.sniff_am() while packet and packet.type == 100: print "".join([chr(i) for i in p.data]) packet = s.sniff_am() reply = SerialReplyPacket(packet.data) if reply.error == ERROR_SUCCESS: print reply return True else: print msg, reply return False print "ERROR: Unable to send the command" return False def ident(): sreqpkt = FMReqPacket((FM_CMD_IDENT, 0, 0, 0, [])) if s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=FM_AMID)): packet = s.sniff_am() reply = SerialReplyPacket(packet.data) if reply.error == ERROR_SUCCESS: return ShortIdent(reply.data) return 0 def read(imgNum, offset, length): r = [] sreqpkt = FMReqPacket((FM_CMD_READ, imgNum, offset, length, [])) while True: if sreqpkt.length > SERIAL_DATA_LENGTH: sreqpkt.length = SERIAL_DATA_LENGTH if s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=FM_AMID)): packet = s.sniff_am() reply = SerialReplyPacket(packet.data) if reply.error == ERROR_SUCCESS: r.extend(reply.data) else: r = None break else: r = None break sreqpkt.offset += sreqpkt.length if sreqpkt.offset >= (offset + length): break sreqpkt.length = (offset + length) - sreqpkt.offset return r def erase(imgNum): sreqpkt = FMReqPacket((FM_CMD_ERASE, imgNum, 0, 0, [])) success = s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=FM_AMID)) return handleResponse(success, "ERROR: Unable to erase the flash volume") def sync(imgNum): sreqpkt = FMReqPacket((FM_CMD_SYNC, imgNum, 0, 0, [])) success = s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=FM_AMID)) return handleResponse(success, "ERROR: Unable to sync the flash volume") def write(imgNum, data): sreqpkt = FMReqPacket((FM_CMD_WRITE, imgNum, 0, 0, [])) length = len(data) total_length = length # For progress bar next_tick = 100 # For progress bar start_time = time.time() print "[0% 25% 50% 75% 100%]\r[", sreqpkt.offset = 0 while length > 0: if ((length * 100) / total_length) < next_tick: next_tick = next_tick - 2 sys.stdout.write('-') sys.stdout.flush() # Calculates the payload size for the current packet if length >= SERIAL_DATA_LENGTH: sreqpkt.length = SERIAL_DATA_LENGTH else: sreqpkt.length = length sreqpkt.data = data[sreqpkt.offset:sreqpkt.offset+sreqpkt.length] # Sends over serial to the mote if not s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=FM_AMID)): print print "ERROR: Unable to send the last serial packet (file offset: %d)" % sreqpkt.offset return False # Waiting for confirmation packet = s.sniff_am() reply = SerialReplyPacket(packet.data) if reply.error != ERROR_SUCCESS: print print "ERROR: Unable to write to the flash volume (file offset: %d)" % sreqpkt.offset return False length -= sreqpkt.length sreqpkt.offset += sreqpkt.length print '\r' + ' ' * 52, elasped_time = time.time() - start_time print "\r%s bytes in %.2f seconds (%.4f bytes/s)" % (total_length, elasped_time, int(total_length) / (elasped_time)) return True # Checks for valid CRC and timestamp def verifyIdent(i): if i != None: if crc16(i.payload()[0:10]) == i.crc and i.timestamp != 0xFFFFFFFF: return True else: print "No valid image was detected." return False def getIdent(imgNum): r = read(imgNum, DELUGE_IDENT_OFFSET, DELUGE_IDENT_SIZE) if r: return Ident(r) print "ERROR: Unable to retrieve the ident." return None def formatIdent(i): r = " Prog Name: %s\n" % (i.appname) r += " UID: 0x%08X\n" % (i.uidhash) r += " Compiled On: %s\n" % (datetime.fromtimestamp(i.timestamp).strftime('%a %h %d %T %Y')) r += " Platform: %s\n" % (i.platform) r += " User ID: %s\n" % (i.username) r += " Host Name: %s\n" % (i.hostname) r += " User Hash: 0x%08X\n" % (i.userhash) r += " Size: %d\n" % (i.size) r += " Num Pages: %d" % (i.pages) return r def formatShortIdent(i): r = " Prog Name: %s\n" % (i.appname) r += " UID: 0x%08X\n" % (i.uidhash) r += " Compiled On: %s\n" % (datetime.fromtimestamp(i.timestamp).strftime('%a %h %d %T %Y')) r += " Node ID: %d\n" % (i.nodeid) return r # Injects an image (specified by tos_image_xml) to an image volume def inject(imgNum, tos_image_xml): # Checks for valid file path try: os.stat(tos_image_xml) # Checks whether tos_image_xml is a valid file except: print "ERROR: Unable to find the TOS image XML, \"%s\"" % tos_image_xml return False try: os.stat(PATH_PY_BUILD_IMAGE) # Checks whether PATH_PY_BUILD_IMAGE is a valid file except: print "ERROR: Unable to find the image building utility, \"%s\"" % PATH_PY_BUILD_IMAGE return False # Gets status information of stored image i = getIdent(imgNum) if ident: print "Connected to Deluge nodes." if verifyIdent(i): print "--------------------------------------------------" print "Stored image %d" % imgNum print formatIdent(i) else: return False # Creates binary image from the TOS image XML print "--------------------------------------------------" cmd = [PATH_PY_BUILD_IMAGE, "-i", str(imgNum), tos_image_xml] print "Create image:", ' '.join(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print p.stderr.read(), print "--------------------------------------------------" # Writes the new binary image image = [struct.unpack("B", c)[0] for c in p.stdout.read()] if len(image) > 0 and erase(imgNum): if write(imgNum, image): if sync(imgNum): print "--------------------------------------------------" print "Replace image with:" print formatIdent(getIdent(imgNum)) print "--------------------------------------------------" return False def ping(imgNum): uid = ident() # Prints out image status print "--------------------------------------------------" print "Currently Executing:" print formatShortIdent(ident()) i = getIdent(imgNum) if verifyIdent(i): print "Stored image %d" % imgNum print formatIdent(i) print "--------------------------------------------------" return True print "--------------------------------------------------" return False def boot(): sreqpkt = DMReqPacket((DM_CMD_BOOT, 0)) success = s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=DM_AMID)) return handleResponse(success, "ERROR: Unable to boot the mote") def reprogram(imgNum): sreqpkt = DMReqPacket((DM_CMD_REPROGRAM, imgNum)) success = s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=DM_AMID)) return handleResponse(success, "ERROR: Unable to reprogram the mote") def disseminate(imgNum): sreqpkt = DMReqPacket((DM_CMD_ONLY_DISSEMINATE, imgNum)) success = s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=DM_AMID)) return handleResponse(success, "ERROR: Unable to disseminate") def disseminateAndReboot(imgNum): sreqpkt = DMReqPacket((DM_CMD_DISSEMINATE_AND_REPROGRAM, imgNum)) success = s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=DM_AMID)) return handleResponse(success, "ERROR: Unable to disseminate-and-reboot") def stop(): sreqpkt = DMReqPacket((DM_CMD_STOP, 0)) success = s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=DM_AMID)) return handleResponse(success, "ERROR: Unable to initiate the stop") def localstop(): sreqpkt = DMReqPacket((DM_CMD_LOCAL_STOP, 0)) success = s.write(tinyos.ActiveMessage(sreqpkt, am_id=DM_AMID)) return handleResponse(success, "ERROR: Unable to initiate the local stop") def print_usage(): print "Usage: %s <-p|-i|-r|-d|-e|-s> image_number [options]" % sys.argv[0] print " Either the platform name (micaz or telosv) or a baudrate value" print " -p --ping Provide status of the image in the external flash" print " -i --inject Inject a compiled TinyOS application" print " [options]: tos_image.xml file path" print " -e --erase Erase an image in the external flash" print " -b --boot Force a reboot of the mote" print " -r --reprogram Reprogram the mote" print " -d --disseminate Disseminate the image in the external flash to the network" print " -dr --disseminate-and-reprogram" print " -s --stop Stop the dissemination " print " -ls --local-stop Stop the dissemination only on the local mote" # print " -b --reprogram_bs\n Reprogram only the directly-connected mote" # print " -s --reset\n Reset the versioning information for a given image" def checkImgNum(): global imgNum # Checks for valid image number format try: imgNum = int(sys.argv[4]) except: print "ERROR: Image number is not valid" sys.exit(-1) return imgNum # ======== MAIN ======== # if len(sys.argv) >= 4: if sys.argv[2] in BAUDRATES: baudrate = BAUDRATES[sys.argv[2]] else: try: baudrate = int(sys.argv[2]) except: print "ERROR: Wrong baudrate" sys.exit(-1) # Initializes serial port communication try: s = tinyos.Serial(sys.argv[1], baudrate, flush=False) except: print "ERROR: Unable to initialize serial port connection to", sys.argv[1] sys.exit(-1) if sys.argv[3] in ["-p", "--ping"]: checkImgNum() print "Pinging node ..." ping(imgNum) elif sys.argv[3] in ["-i", "--inject"] and len(sys.argv) == 6: checkImgNum() print "Pinging node ..." inject(imgNum, sys.argv[5]) elif sys.argv[3] in ["-e", "--erase"]: checkImgNum() if erase(imgNum): print "Image number %d erased" % imgNum elif sys.argv[3] in ["-b", "--boot"]: if boot(): print "Command sent" elif sys.argv[3] in ["-r", "--reprogram"]: checkImgNum() if reprogram(imgNum): print "Command sent" elif sys.argv[3] in ["-d", "--disseminate"]: checkImgNum() if disseminate(imgNum): print "Command sent" elif sys.argv[3] in ["-dr", "--disseminate-and-reboot"]: checkImgNum() if disseminateAndReboot(imgNum): print "Command sent" elif sys.argv[3] in ["-s", "--stop"]: if stop(): print "Command sent" elif sys.argv[3] in ["-ls", "--local-stop"]: if localstop(): print "Command sent" else: print_usage() else: print_usage() sys.exit()