The RF212 radio driver has the following configuration options. Some of these are set in the platforms/xxx/chips/rf212/RadioConfig.h header file, see the meshbean900 platform for example, others can be set in your Makefile. RF212_TRX_CTRL_0_VALUE: This is the value of the TRX_CTRL_0 register which configures the output pin currents and the CLKM clock: RF212_CCA_MODE_VALUE: This is the default value of the CCA_MODE field in the PHY_CC_CCA register which is used to configure the default mode of the clear channel assesment RF212_CCA_THRES_VALUE: This is the value of the CCA_THRES register that controls the energy levels used for clear channel assesment. RF212_DEF_RFPOWER: This is the default value of the TX_PWR field of the PHY_TX_PWR register. This can be cahanged via the PacketTransmitPower interface provided by the RF212ActiveMessageC. RF212_DEF_CHANNEL: This is the default value of the CHANNEL field of the PHY_CC_CCA register. This can be cahanged via the RadioChannel interface provided by the RF212ActiveMessageC. RF212_RSSI_ENERGY: If you define this, then the content of the RF212_PHY_ED_LEVEL is queried instead of the RSSI value for eahc incoming message. This value can be obtained with the PacketRSSI interface.