// Build don't link: // GROUPS passed visibility // visibility file // From: Gordon Joly // Date: Wed, 21 Apr 93 09:42:07 +0100 // Subject: /*** BUG REPORT : THE MYTH OF PRIVATE INHERITANCE ***/ // Message-ID: <9304210842.AA01815@life.ai.mit.edu> #include class A { private: int number; public: A(int i) : number(i) {} virtual ~A() {} virtual void Number(int c) { number = c; } // ERROR - private virtual int Number() { return number; } // ERROR - private }; class B : private A { private: int second_number; public: B(int c, int i) : second_number(c), A(i) {} virtual ~B() {} virtual void firstNumber(int b) // renames member function Number(int) of class A { A::Number(b); } virtual int firstNumber() // renames member function Number() of class A { return A::Number(); } }; class C { private: B* bobject; public: C(B* bp) : bobject(bp) {} virtual ~C() {} // // the following two functions access // private member functions of class B // and they should not be able to do so // virtual void setBValue(int i) { if (bobject) bobject->Number(i); }// ERROR - .* virtual int getBValue() { if (bobject) { return bobject->Number(); } return 0; }// ERROR - .* }; int main() { B* bobject = new B(2, 1); C* cobject = new C(bobject); cobject->setBValue(8); std::cout << cobject->getBValue() << std::endl; delete bobject; delete cobject; }