// test of rtti of non-class types // Special g++ Options: -frtti #include extern "C" { int printf(const char *, ...); void exit(int); } int i; short s; char c; long l; unsigned int ui; unsigned short us; unsigned char uc; unsigned long ul; float f; double d; int& ri = i; const volatile int cvi = 10; volatile const int vci = 20; const int ci = 100; int *pi; int ai[10]; enum color { red, blue, green, yellow}; int (*fp)(); int (*gp)(); int (*hp)(int); class XX { public: int xxi; float xxf; int xxf1 () { return 0; }; int xxf2 (int k) { return 0; }; }; class YY { public: int yyi; double yyd; int yyf1 (float f) { return 0; }; double yyf2 () {return yyd;}; }; int XX::*ptmd1; int XX::*ptmd2; float XX::*ptmd3; int YY::*ptmd4; int (XX::*ptmf1) (); int (XX::*ptmf2) (); int (XX::*ptmf3) (int); int (YY::*ptmf4) (); int func1 () { return 0;} int func2 () { return 1;} int func3 (int i) { return i;} short func4 () { return 99;} void error (int i) { exit(i); } int main () { if (typeid(i) != typeid(int)) error(1); if (typeid(s) != typeid(short)) error(2); if (typeid(c) != typeid(char)) error(3); if (typeid(l) != typeid(long)) error(4); if (typeid(ui) != typeid(unsigned int)) error(5); if (typeid(us) != typeid(unsigned short)) error(6); if (typeid(uc) != typeid(unsigned char)) error(7); if (typeid(ul) != typeid(unsigned long)) error(8); if (typeid(f) != typeid(float)) error(9); if (typeid(d) != typeid(double)) error(10); if (typeid(*pi) != typeid(int)) error(51); if (typeid(pi) == typeid(ai)) error(52); if (typeid(ri) != typeid(i)) error(53); if (typeid(cvi) != typeid(vci)) error (54); if (typeid(vci) != typeid(i)) error(55); if (typeid(ci) != typeid(cvi)) error (56); if (typeid(ci) != typeid(const int)) error(57); if (typeid(func1) != typeid(func2)) error (81); if (typeid(func2) == typeid(func3)) error (82); if (typeid(func1) == typeid(func4)) error (83); if (typeid(func3) == typeid(func4)) error (84); if (typeid(red) != typeid(color)) error (101); if (typeid(green) != typeid(blue)) error (102); if (typeid(fp) != typeid(gp)) error (103); if (typeid(gp) == typeid(hp)) error (104); if (typeid(ptmd1) != typeid(ptmd2)) error (105); if (typeid(ptmd1) == typeid(ptmd3)) error (106); if (typeid(ptmd2) == typeid(ptmd4)) error (107); if (typeid(ptmf1) != typeid(ptmf2)) error (108); if (typeid(ptmf2) == typeid(ptmf3)) error (109); if (typeid(ptmf1) == typeid(ptmf4)) error (110); return 0; }