"Multimap" Text Insert Timing Test with Small Average Secondary-Key to Primary-Key Ratio


This test inserts a number of pairs into a container. The first item of each pair is a string from an arbitrary text [wickland96thirty], and the second is a uniform i.i.d.integer. The container is a "multimap" - it considers the first member of each pair as a primary key, and the second member of each pair as a secondary key (see Motivation::Associative Containers::Alternative to Multiple Equivalent Keys). There are 400 distinct primary keys, and the ratio of secondary keys to primary keys ranges from 1 to 5.

The test measures the average insert-time as a function of the number of values inserted. For pb_ds's containers, it inserts a primary key into the primary associative container, then a secondary key into the secondary associative container. For the native multimaps, it obtains a range using std::equal_range, and inserts a value only if it was not contained already.

(The test was executed with multimap_text_insert_timing_test thirty_years_among_the_dead_preproc.txt 400 1 1 6)


The test checks the insert-time scalability of different "multimap" designs (see Motivation::Associative Containers::Alternative to Multiple Equivalent Keys).


Figures NTG, NTM, and NTL show the results for "multimaps" which use a tree-based container for primary keys, in g++, msvc++, and local, respectively; Figures NHG, NHM, and NHL show the results for "multimaps" which use a hash-based container for primary keys, in g++, msvc++, and local, respectively.

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NTG: Native and primary tree-based multimap types insert timing test - g++

In the above figure, the names in the legends have the following meaning:

  1. n_mmap- std::multimap
  2. rb_tree_mmap_cc_hash_mask_exp_nea_lc_1div8_1div2_nsth_set- tree with Tag = rb_tree_tag , and Node_Update = null_tree_node_update , mapping each key to cc_hash_table with Comb_Hash_Fn = direct_mask_range_hashing , and Resize_Policy = hash_standard_resize_policy with Size_Policy = hash_exponential_size_policy , and Trigger_Policy = hash_load_check_resize_trigger with αmin = 1/8 and αmax = 1/2
  3. rb_tree_mmap_lu_mtf_set- tree with Tag = rb_tree_tag , and Node_Update = null_tree_node_update , mapping each key to list_update with Update_Policy = move_to_front_lu_policy
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NTM: NHM Native and primary tree-based multimap types insert timing test - msvc++

In the above figure, the names in the legends have the following meaning:

  1. rb_tree_mmap_cc_hash_mask_exp_nea_lc_1div8_1div2_nsth_set- tree with Tag = rb_tree_tag , and Node_Update = null_tree_node_update , mapping each key to cc_hash_table with Comb_Hash_Fn = direct_mask_range_hashing , and Resize_Policy = hash_standard_resize_policy with Size_Policy = hash_exponential_size_policy , and Trigger_Policy = hash_load_check_resize_trigger with αmin = 1/8 and αmax = 1/2
  2. n_mmap- std::multimap
  3. rb_tree_mmap_lu_mtf_set- tree with Tag = rb_tree_tag , and Node_Update = null_tree_node_update , mapping each key to list_update with Update_Policy = move_to_front_lu_policy
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NTL: Native and primary tree-based multimap types insert timing test - local
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NHG: Native and primary hash-based multimap types insert timing test - g++

In the above figure, the names in the legends have the following meaning:

  1. n_hash_mmap- __gnucxx::hash_multimap
  2. cc_hash_mask_exp_nea_lc_1div8_1div2_nsth_mmap_cc_hash_mask_exp_nea_lc_1div8_1div2_nsth_set- cc_hash_table with Comb_Hash_Fn = direct_mask_range_hashing , and Resize_Policy = hash_standard_resize_policy with Size_Policy = hash_exponential_size_policy , and Trigger_Policy = hash_load_check_resize_trigger with αmin = 1/8 and αmax = 1/2, mapping each key to cc_hash_table with Comb_Hash_Fn = direct_mask_range_hashing , and Resize_Policy = hash_standard_resize_policy with Size_Policy = hash_exponential_size_policy , and Trigger_Policy = hash_load_check_resize_trigger with αmin = 1/8 and αmax = 1/2
  3. cc_hash_mask_exp_nea_lc_1div8_1div2_nsth_mmap_lu_mtf_set- cc_hash_table with Comb_Hash_Fn = direct_mask_range_hashing , and Resize_Policy = hash_standard_resize_policy with Size_Policy = hash_exponential_size_policy , and Trigger_Policy = hash_load_check_resize_trigger with αmin = 1/8 and αmax = 1/2, mapping each key to list_update with Update_Policy = move_to_front_lu_policy
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NHM: Native and primary hash-based multimap types insert timing test - msvc++

In the above figure, the names in the legends have the following meaning:

  1. cc_hash_mask_exp_nea_lc_1div8_1div2_nsth_mmap_cc_hash_mask_exp_nea_lc_1div8_1div2_nsth_set- cc_hash_table with Comb_Hash_Fn = direct_mask_range_hashing , and Resize_Policy = hash_standard_resize_policy with Size_Policy = hash_exponential_size_policy , and Trigger_Policy = hash_load_check_resize_trigger with αmin = 1/8 and αmax = 1/2, mapping each key to cc_hash_table with Comb_Hash_Fn = direct_mask_range_hashing , and Resize_Policy = hash_standard_resize_policy with Size_Policy = hash_exponential_size_policy , and Trigger_Policy = hash_load_check_resize_trigger with αmin = 1/8 and αmax = 1/2
  2. n_hash_mmap- stdext::hash_multimap
  3. cc_hash_mask_exp_nea_lc_1div8_1div2_nsth_mmap_lu_mtf_set- cc_hash_table with Comb_Hash_Fn = direct_mask_range_hashing , and Resize_Policy = hash_standard_resize_policy with Size_Policy = hash_exponential_size_policy , and Trigger_Policy = hash_load_check_resize_trigger with αmin = 1/8 and αmax = 1/2, mapping each key to list_update with Update_Policy = move_to_front_lu_policy
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NHL: Native and primary hash-based multimap types insert timing test - local


See Observations::Mapping-Semantics Considerations.