# gbp.conf # # Assist building. Requires specific setup in ~/.pbuilderrc and cow images # created for the distribution/architecture combinations to be built. # # To build: # DIST=trusty ARCH=amd64 git-buildpackage -sa # # There is no need to build for different architectures, as the resulting # Debian package is architecture independent. # # To post to server (requires properly configured ~/dput.cf): # cd ../cp210x-build # dput repo-trusty cp210x*.changes [DEFAULT] builder = /usr/bin/git-pbuilder cleaner = fakeroot debian/rules clean prebuild = debian/rules configure # Remove lintian check until warnings are fixed #postbuild = lintian $GBP_CHANGES_FILE pristine-tar = False upstream-tree=HEAD debian-branch=master debian-tag=debian/%(version)s [git-buildpackage] export-dir = ../cp210x-build/ [git-import-orig] dch = false