repo_shell provides a login shell for servers hosting subversion and/or git centralized repositories. Unlike gitolite, which is a more full-featured and powerful solution for git, repo_shell requires user accounts to be set up on the server for each developer. This allows a critical feature that we needed: the option to allow access to a repository via a user's password in addition to an SSH key pair. This feature is useful when needing to check out objects from a repository where copying the user's private key to some machine is either undesirable or a waste of time. repo_shell owes great thanks to work shared by two other projects: - The GIT stupid content tracker - Some useful information was gleaned from git's git-shell program. GIT is licensed under the GPLv2. - The inih .ini parser library - This is a great little library for handling simple configuration files. inih is licensed under a modified BSD license, available in inih/LICENSE.txt. To acquire repo_shell: git clone git:// To build repo_shell, use make. Please build from a clone of the above repository, as the make script uses 'git describe --tags' to generate the resulting executable's version string. make repo_shell To install repo_shell: sudo cp repo_shell /usr/local/bin/ sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/repo_shell sudo chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/repo_shell vi /etc/repo_shell.cfg The /etc/repo_shell.cfg configuration file is straightforward: [core] owner=repo git_root=/var/lib/git svn_root=/var/lib/svn/repositories The owner field denotes the user that owns all repositories. The git_root and svn_root fields identify the path to the respective repositories. The latter two fields allow repo_shell to automatically add the appropriate repository root path to repository access commands, obviating the need for developers to know exactly where repositories are stored. Note that git repositories can be nested within directories, as the examples show below. git clone server:repo.git -> server:/repo.git git clone server:/repo.git -> server:/repo.git git clone server:/subdir/repo.git -> server:/subdir/repo.git svn checkout svn+ssh://server/repo -> server:/repo Repositories should be owned by the user identified in the owner field. For example: sudo -iu owner umask 077 svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /newreponame git --git-dir /newrepopath.git init --bare Please see the svncreate for an example helper script for subversion repository creation. To use external viewers that directly interrogate the repository, the simplest solution is to have those viewers run as another user belonging to the owner's primary group. In this case, in the examples above, a umask of 027 is appropriate when creating repositories. However, please note that such external programs are able to read all repositories independent of access controls. For users to have access to repositories, they need only have repo_shell set as their login shell: sudo chsh -s /usr/local/bin/repo_shell And of course the user must be associated for appropriate access in subversion and get access control lists. Access controls for subversion repositories uses subversion's built-in features, using svnserve.conf. A good way to go is to have each repository's svnserve.conf set a global authz.conf file, using the standard hooks and activating svnperms.conf for branch-based commit control. These are suggestions outside the scope of the repo_shell program itself. Access controls for git are envisioned to be incorporated into repo_shell. They aren't at this time, and any developer has read-write access to any git repository.