# git_acl.cfg for use with repo_shell # # The [user_groups] section contains lines of the form: # = user1 user2 ... userN # # The [repo_groups] section contains lines of the form: # = repo1 repo2 ... repoN # # Nested user and repo groups are not supported. Therefore, user group names # (ugroup or rgroup) used as an element defining another group will treat the # former as a user or a repo, respectively. # # The [repo ] section contains lines of the form: # = # These lines define the permissions () for one or more 's # (users or user groups) for the repository (or repository group) . # # The first line in the first [repo ] section matching the user # and repo for which permissions are requested will satisfy the request. Any # other possible matches later in the configuration file are irrelevant. # # The asterisk ('*') used as a userid means any user. Similarly, an asterisk # used as a repoid means any repo. # # A user/repo combination that has no match in the git_acl.cfg file is reported # as the separate NOTFOUND permission, but is effectively treated the same as # the NONE permission. [user_groups] devs = steve dave mike qa = frank bill allusers = * [repo_groups] mirrors = mirror/* public = oss-web.git repo_shell.git cp210x.git private = redmine.git nesc.git [repo oss*] steve = rw [repo mirrors] jobu=rw devs=r [repo nesc.git] steve = r devs = rw * = r [repo oss-web.git] steve = rw devs = r [repo public] devs = rw allusers = r [repo private] devs = rw qa = r [repo *] devs = rw * = r