#!/bin/bash # # Probably called from a /usr/share/xsessions/somesession.desktop that lists an # exec like dwm.custom, and the dwm.custom executable script looks like: # # #!/bin/bash # # if [ -f "$HOME/.dwmrc" ]; then # exec "$HOME/.dwmrc" # else # exec dwm.custom # fi # Although the system startup merged ~/.Xresources, it did so with the -nocpp # option (Ubuntu 14.04), which prevents the use of #define, etc. Re-merge here # for correct behavior. xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources # Initial startup volume to sane level pactl set-sink-volume $(pactl info | grep "Default Sink:" | awk '{ print $3}') '30%' # Default LCD panel brightness xbacklight -set 50 # Set the X background xsetroot -solid black # Set up screens dispcfg # Screen saver. DPMS standby -> suspend -> off in seconds # xss-lock calls i3lock on no X activity (DPMS standby) xset dpms 300 600 1200 pgrep -x xss-lock || xss-lock -- i3lock --dpms & # Applets, etc pgrep -x xbindkeys || xbindkeys & pgrep -x dunst || dunst & pgrep -x nm-applet || nm-applet & pgrep -x xfce4-power-manager || xfce4-power-manager & pgrep -x pidgin || pidgin & pgrep dwm-i3status || dwm-i3status & exec dwm.custom